Vivarium Troubleshooting
Do you need help troubleshooting your vivarium? This page outlines the basics of preventing and solving common issues. Learn how to diagnose problems, identify the type of vivarium, find solutions for common issues, clean and maintain your vivarium, and detect and fix problems. Read through our FAQ section to find answers to your most pressing questions. With this guide, you can easily find solutions to keep your vivarium in optimal condition.
Common Problems
This section on common problems offers an extensive look at topics, ranging from aquariums to terrariums. We give you professional advice on diagnosing, fixing, and maintaining your vivarium to get it back in perfect shape. Find out more about troubleshooting common vivarium problems here.
Are you looking for quick answers to your vivarium questions? This section offers an extensive archive of FAQs that can help you find the best solutions for your vivarium troubles. Find answers to common questions others have asked over time. Learn the essentials of vivarium care with our easy-to-read FAQs.
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- Riparium Plants
- General Paludarium
- Paludarium Plants
- General Riparium
To separate the land and water components in a paludarium, you will want to create a physical barrier such as an aquarium divider or false background. Alternatively, you could create a slope or a berm to separate the land and water sections, or you could use aquatic gravel to raise the water level and create a dry area.
To prevent mold in a paludarium, make sure to clean it regularly and keep the humidity levels within range. You should also reduce stagnant or still water areas. A colony of springtails and isopods can help keep mold in check as well.
The best way to ensure that the temperature is maintained is to use an aquarium heater. The heater should be placed close to the water source, but not directly in it, and set to the required temperature for the type of animals you have in the paludarium.
Here’s a list of things that be kept in a paludarium:
- Live plants
- Fish
- Amphibians
- Snails
- Crabs
- Turtles
- Geckos
- Shrimp
- Frogs
A Terrarium is an enclosed container typically used to grow and display plants. It can be either open to the atmosphere or closed to create a more humid environment. A Paludarium, on the other hand, is a type of container that combines, land, water, and sometimes even air to create a dynamic, multi–dimensional habitat for plants and animals. A Paludarium also typically contains aquatic plants, amphibians, and other aquatic animals.
A paludarium is a type of terrarium that serves as a closed–loop indoor ecosystem with both land and aquatic components. Paludariums can be used to house a variety of aquatic animals, plants, and terrariums, and they provide an environment that helps them thrive while looking great!
Here’s a list of the rarest aquarium plants:
- Rotala nanjenshan
- Eriocaulon setaceum
- Hemianthus callitrichoides
- Utricularia graminifolia
- Glossostigma diandrum
- Samolus repens
A riparium tank is an aquarium setup that combines elements from a traditional aquarium and a terrarium. By making naturalistic water gardens that extend out of the water, ripariums can create a unique and attractive display for growing aquatic and semi–aquatic plants, as well as amphibians, fish, and invertebrates.
Common animals that can live in a riparium include:
• Fish: Fish can help to keep your riparium clean and provide added movement and color to your setup. Common fish that can live in a riparium include guppies, platies, Corydoras Catfish, and Loaches.
• Amphibians: Amphibians, such as frogs and salamanders, can make great additions to a riparium.
• Invertebrates: Invertebrates like shrimp, snails, and crabs are also possible in a riparium.
• Plants: Live plants can be added with the help of a substrate and nutrient injections to create a living, thriving landscape. Popular plants for ripariums include Water Lettuce, Water Hyacinth, Anubias, and Java Fern.
A riparium is an aquatic–based terrarium consisting of an artificial habitat with live plants and/or other organisms kept in a tank of flowing water. A paludarium is an artificial habitat combining elements of land and water, typically with a pool of water, live plants, and substrate that can be used both in or out of water. They may also include land features such as rocks, soil, and a variety of land plants.
Yes, you should regularly change the water in a paludarium. Depending on the type of plants and animals present, it‘s recommended to drain and replace somewhere between one–third to two–thirds of the paludarium water every two to four weeks.
It depends on the type and size of your paludarium, however, it typically takes about 4–5 weeks for a complete paludarium cycle.
Many aquarium plants are able to thrive out of water. These include Anubias, Java Fern, and Alternanthera. Anubias can be planted on driftwood or rocks and do not require any soil to grow. Java Fern can also be attached to driftwood or rocks, as well as kept partially or totally submerged in the aquarium. Alternanthera is a great aquarium plant for both aquariums and ponds as it can be grown with its roots fully or partially submerged.
Paludariums provide ideal conditions for many tropical and semi–aquatic plants to thrive. Most of these plants require at least 60% humidity and temperatures between 70 to 85°F. A substrate of soil mixed with gravel, sphagnum moss, and/or eco–substrate will provide the necessary nutrients to the roots of most plants. Plants should be placed between the water and the land section of the paludarium. Additionally, the addition of supplementary lighting will provide an ideal environment for growth.
Here’s a list of common plants used in a paludarium:
- Java Moss
- Java Fern
- Water Lettuce
- Anubias Nana
- Anubias Congensis
- Bolbitis Heudelotti
- Water Wisteria
- Dwarf Sagittaria
- African Water Fern
- Amazon Swords
When planting, anchor the roots of the plants in the soil and make sure they receive enough water. Once growing, don‘t let the water level drop too low. Trim plants as necessary to maintain the desired shape of your riparium.
Here’s a list of the best types of riparium plants:
- Bacopa monnieri
- Hydrocotyle verna
- Anubias nana
- Ammania senegalensis
- Alternanthera reineckii
- Bacopa caroliniana
- Cryptocoryne wendtii
- Hygrophila corymbosa
- Ludwigia repens
- Crinum natans
Yes, algae can grow under LED lights. Many aquarium owners use LED lights to help their aquariums flourish and sustain a healthy algal population. In aquariums, LED lights emit various spectrums of light and can provide a combination of blue and red light that is beneficial to many types of algae.
The general rule of thumb for aquarium lighting is 8–10 hours of light per day. Make sure to gradually turn on and off your aquarium lights to mimic the natural cycle of day and night. Be sure not to exceed 10 hours of light per day, as this can cause algae growth and other problems.
Yes, LED lights are good for fish. LED lighting allows for a more natural range of colors and temperatures which is beneficial to the health and well-being of the fish, as well as promoting the growth of beneficial aquarium plants. Additionally, LED lights are energy efficient and last longer than traditional light bulb types.