Vivarium Troubleshooting: The Answer To Every Problem

Vivarium Troubleshooting

Do you need help troubleshooting your vivarium? This page outlines the basics of preventing and solving common issues. Learn how to diagnose problems, identify the type of vivarium, find solutions for common issues, clean and maintain your vivarium, and detect and fix problems. Read through our FAQ section to find answers to your most pressing questions. With this guide, you can easily find solutions to keep your vivarium in optimal condition.

Common Problems

This section on common problems offers an extensive look at topics, ranging from aquariums to terrariums. We give you professional advice on diagnosing, fixing, and maintaining your vivarium to get it back in perfect shape. Find out more about troubleshooting common vivarium problems here.


Are you looking for quick answers to your vivarium questions? This section offers an extensive archive of FAQs that can help you find the best solutions for your vivarium troubles. Find answers to common questions others have asked over time. Learn the essentials of vivarium care with our easy-to-read FAQs.

Do plants grow faster in a terrarium?

Yes, plants can grow faster in a terrarium because they have a more regulated climate with higher levels of humidity and moisture, making it easier to maintain optimal temperatures, light levels, and watering schedules. Additionally, terrariums offer less competition from other plants and fewer pests, encouraging faster growth.

How many of each plant can you have in terrarium?

The number of plants you can have in a terrarium generally depends on the size of the terrarium. For larger terrariums, you can have up to a dozen plants. However, for smaller terrariums, it is usually recommended to stick to plants that remain small and use no more than five plants.

Do terrarium plants need soil?

Yes and no, terrarium plants with a root structure need soil to survive. They require welldraining soil that retains moisture to thrive. Plants that don’t have roots like moss and some ferns can thrive in a terrarium without soil.

What is the best plant for a small terrarium?

The best plant for a small terrarium is any type of moss species plant. They are relatively small compared to any other type of plant and require very few resources.

What plants are good for self sustaining terrarium?

Some of the best plants for a selfsustaining terrarium are air plants, ferns, orchids, succulents, and vining plants. They all require very little maintenance and can thrive even with minimal light. You can also find many varieties of moss, which will give your terrarium a lush, green look without any additional upkeep.

Can all plants go in a terrarium?

Yes, all plants can be planted in a terrarium, depending on the size and type of terrarium. It‘s important to consider the amount of sunlight, temperature, and ventilation that the terrarium will receive. Additionally, depending on the types of plants you want to grow, you‘ll need to choose a terrarium that best suits their needs.

What kind of plants grow best in a terrarium?

For a lush, vibrant terrarium, mosses, vines, ferns, and tropical plants are all good choices. Additionally, bright indirect lightloving varieties such as succulents, orchids, or air plants can make a great show.

How long do terrarium plants last?

Terrarium plants typically last several years when properly cared for. In some cases, they can last up to 10 years depending on species, maintenance, and locations. 

How do you disinfect plants in a vivarium?

To disinfect plants in a vivarium, gently remove the plants and dip them in either a diluted hydrogen peroxide and water solution or a mixture of vinegar and water for about 30 seconds. Let the plants dry and then return them back to the vivarium. If you’re unable to remove them, use a misting spray to gently mist plants.



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