What Is Bantam.Earth?
Bantam.Earth is a brand that aims to inspire the way we utilize vivariums. Our website is a comprehensive resource for making interior design more creative and engaging, featuring micro-ecosystems that are seamlessly integrated into our everyday living spaces. We provide in-depth learning materials, DIY tutorials, and a variety of supplies as well as pre-made enclosures to choose from.

As our understanding of plants and animals expand, the way we care for them will improve. An entire sector of this platform is dedicated to the formal mastery of vivarium keeping. Explore care guides on every aspect of vivariums as home decor. Hands-on research is given to each and every topic discussed in this resource hub.
When it comes to practical development, no project is too big for consideration. An array of DIY-style tutorials are designed to show just how easy it is to make mini-worlds a part of your home or office. This section of Bantam.Earth was created for those who want to participate in this unusual type of home decor.
The Bantam Shop is a great place to source the necessary supplies needed to make your very own bantam-themed home accents. Find everything from signature decorations to the very soil, we use in all of our enclosures.
Things About Me…
My name is CJ Abney, and I am the founder of Bantam.Earth. What started for me as a way to cope with depression has become a newly found passion/business with many moving parts. It’s really hard for me to say what I like most about what I do… On one hand, creating these little worlds is obviously at the top of the list, on the other hand, my first love has always been storytelling and content creation… But if I’m honest, interacting with many of you and assisting you with your ecosystems easily rivals all of that.

Most of my time here on this planet has been spent learning new things and putting that new info into practice. Prior to world-building, I’ve explored many types of endeavors… From the super techy stuff like web development and graphic design to the more superficial stuff like bodybuilding and even fitness modeling. Even though I enjoyed all of those things and stuck with many of them up to a mastery level, it has always felt like some aspect of me wasn’t being fully fulfilled.
You don’t pick your passion, it picks you!
-CJ from Bantam.Earth
I can’t remember when exactly I heard that quote but it has always stuck with me. It takes time to figure out what that passion might be, and my attitude toward trying new things has been the drive and determination that eventually lead to the manifestation of Bantam.Earth. I have devoted the past decade to understanding and mastering the vivarium niche in particular.
After spending countless years comprehending life within an enclosure, I’ve managed to combine all of my skillsets into the development of something new… The art of making miniature worlds and incorporating them into home decor! If I’m completely honest, I have no idea where this is taking me… but I am loving every bit of the journey!