Vivarium Troubleshooting
Do you need help troubleshooting your vivarium? This page outlines the basics of preventing and solving common issues. Learn how to diagnose problems, identify the type of vivarium, find solutions for common issues, clean and maintain your vivarium, and detect and fix problems. Read through our FAQ section to find answers to your most pressing questions. With this guide, you can easily find solutions to keep your vivarium in optimal condition.
Common Problems
This section on common problems offers an extensive look at topics, ranging from aquariums to terrariums. We give you professional advice on diagnosing, fixing, and maintaining your vivarium to get it back in perfect shape. Find out more about troubleshooting common vivarium problems here.
Are you looking for quick answers to your vivarium questions? This section offers an extensive archive of FAQs that can help you find the best solutions for your vivarium troubles. Find answers to common questions others have asked over time. Learn the essentials of vivarium care with our easy-to-read FAQs.
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- General Aquarium
- Aquarium Plants
- Aquarium Substrate & Soil
- Aquarium Lighting
- Riparium Plants
- General Paludarium
- Paludarium Plants
- General Riparium
Here’s a list of the rarest aquarium plants:
- Rotala nanjenshan
- Eriocaulon setaceum
- Hemianthus callitrichoides
- Utricularia graminifolia
- Glossostigma diandrum
- Samolus repens
Yes, LED aquarium lights can be very beneficial for aquarium plants. LED aquarium lights provide a wide range of light types, including white, blue, and pink, which can ensure that the aquarium plants receive just the right amount of light to grow and stay healthy. LED aquarium lights are also low–powered, meaning they are efficient with electricity and can last a long time.
Yes, live plants can help reduce ammonia levels in an aquarium. Certain aquatic plants, like Anacharis, possess the ability to absorb ammonia from the water. Depending on the aquarium size, the number of plants necessary for ammonia control can be significant, so it is important to research which types of plants are best for your aquarium‘s specific needs.
Yes, fish tank plants do oxygenate the water. Plants release oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, which helps to maintain optimal oxygen levels in aquariums. Additionally, as fish tank plants absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, this helps to regulate pH levels and reduce algae growth.
No, aquarium plants do not need direct sunlight. Most plants prefer indirect sunlight or even artificial light. It is important to choose aquarium plants that match the light conditions present in your tank, such as low or high-light plants. Also, be sure to provide the correct fertilizer type for the plants so they can grow correctly.
Yes, aquarium plants need soil to thrive. Soil provides plants with the necessary nutrients, as well as anchoring them in place. Substrates, such as aquarium gravel or sand, can be used to act as the soil in an aquarium. Many aquatic plant stores offer soil specifically formulated for aquariums. specialized aquarium plant media.
Yes, aquarium plants can grow well in gravel. Gravel can provide the necessary support for aquatic plants to grow and root, as well as helping to keep the plant anchored in the tank. Additionally, gravel can provide essential nutrients for plants to thrive, as long as it is the right type of gravel. Always check with a reliable source before adding gravel to an aquarium to ensure that it is safe for your fish and plants.
Aquarium plants prefer either sand or gravel, depending on the type of plant. Sand is usually preferred for plants with small, delicate root systems such as Anubias, Java Fern, and Java Moss. Gravel is better suited for plants with larger root systems, like Water Wisteria or Hornwort.
Yes, fish do need real plants in the tank in order to create a balanced, healthy environment. Aquatic plants add oxygen to the water which can be beneficial for fish as they require oxygen to survive. They also provide shade, hiding places, and areas to explore, which can help relieve stress for the fish. Additionally, plants act as a natural filter, eliminating chemicals and pollutants that can be harmful to the fish.
On the contrary, it is totally possible to have a healthy ecosystem without real plants. Additional care and effort will need to be applied to compensate for what real plants can naturally do.
Yes, plants can help keep fish tanks clean by removing harmful ammonia and nitrites from the water. Plants absorb these byproducts from fish waste and use them to grow, thus improving the water quality. Additionally, plants can provide shade and hiding spots for the fish, creating a more natural environment.
Here’s a short list of the easiest plants to have in an aquarium:
- Hornwort
- Java Moss
- Java Fern
- Anubias
- Water Sprite
- Duckweed
- Moss Balls
- Amazon Sword Plant
- Moneywort
Here’s a short list of the best plants to have in an aquarium:
- Anubias
- Swordplant
- Java Fern
- Cryptocoryne
- Vallisneria
- Hornwort
- Amazon Sword
- Moneywort
- Java Moss
- Anacharis