
Small Terrarium Plants

Terrariums are becoming increasingly popular as a way to bring the outdoors inside, adding a bit of life and color to any home or office. Small terrarium plants are an excellent option for those who want the beauty of a terrarium without the hassle of caring for large plants.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits, types, and care of small terrarium plants, as well as how to troubleshoot any common issues.

With a little knowledge, you can easily start your own small terrarium garden and enjoy the beauty and health benefits of plants indoors.

Benefits of Small Terrarium Plants

Small terrarium plants are a great choice for those who want the beauty of a terrarium without the hassle of caring for large plants. They are much easier to care for, take up less space, and are more affordable than their larger counterparts.

These plants come in a much wider variety of plants, so you can create a unique and beautiful terrarium that suits your tastes. Small terrarium plants are also much easier to maintain, as they require less water and don’t need to be pruned as often.

Another very convenient detail is that smaller terrarium plants are much easier to move and transport. This makes them a great option for those who haven’t completely settled on an overall idea for the design.

Finally, small terrarium plants are less susceptible to pests and diseases, making them a healthier choice for beginner terrarium makers.

The best small terrarium plants

The Best Types Of Small Terrarium Plants

There are endless plants one could consider as small terrarium plants. This list will focus on popular choices within several categories. Most mosses, mini ferns, and tropical plants could work very well as miniature terrarium flora. There are also a number of orchids and succulents we will cover that you should definitely consider.


Climacium Dendroides "Tree Moss" Care Guide | Vivarium Plants

Tree Moss (Climacium dendroides)

 Climacium dendroides, commonly known as Tree Moss, is an evergreen perennial plant with a bushy, upright growth pattern. It has small stemless, lanceshaped shiny leaves that arch upwards to a point, forming neat spreading clumps.

It grows well in semishade and is ideal for small terrariums. Tree Moss is low maintenance and can grow in wet, acidic soil. It has excellent water retention, making it a great addition to terrariums, as it is able to tolerate minimal watering.

It can also help buffer environmental changes and reduce humidity swings. Plus, it looks gorgeous in terrariums and adds a wonderful aesthetic to thecor.

Mood Moss Dicranum Scoparium Thumbnail

Mood Moss (Dicranum scoparium)

Mood Moss, or Dicranum scoparium, is a versatile small terrarium moss that looks like a lush, green cushion. These tiny mossy plants are slowgrowing and add a decorative touch to terrarium setups.

They thrive in humid climates, so they are a great addition to terrariums with reptiles, amphibians, and other animals that need high humidity. A small amount of Mood Moss goes a long way, so its an ideal plant for small terrariums.

The plant is low maintenance, with only a few minimal requirements, such as light, water, and misting in order for it to thrive. Because terrarium space is usually limited, Mood Moss is an excellent choice because it has a low profile and grows flat and low.


peat moss sphagnum thumbnail

Peat Moss (Sphagnum moss)

Sphagnum moss is an excellent small terrarium plant, as it grows in welldrained, acidic soil and requires little to no daily care. It has a low growth rate and can be easily pruned to control its size.

Peat moss generally grows in a lowlying, creeping form, often with a tight growth habit. Its small, cupshaped leaves range in shades of green, and its root and stem structures can range from thin, delicate filaments to thicker, more dense branches.

Peat moss is a great addition to any small terrarium and does not require expensive soil or fertilizer to maintain its lush, vibrant color.

It also retains moisture very well and helps regulate air temperature and air humidity in the terrarium, making it an ideal plant for terrariums with limited space.

feather moss Ptilium crista-castrensis

Feather Moss (Ptilium crista-castrensis)

Feather moss is a small, mosslike plant that is particularly well suited to small terrariums. It forms bright, dense carpets or tufts of petite fronds, making it a great choice for creating ground cover in small terrariums.

Feather moss is a delightful green and can even turn into a soft red color if exposed to a lot of sun. It can be kept in shaded areas or areas with low to moderate lighting.

As an undemanding and lowmaintenance terrarium plant, it doesnt require any trimming and can last for years with relatively little care.

All in all, Feather moss is an ideal choice for small terrariums, providing a striking alternative to other moss options.


Club Moss Selaginella kraussiana

Club Moss (Selaginella kraussiana)

Club Moss is a small, fernlike evergreen that grows in the form of lowlying mats with small leaves. It‘s a great choice for small terrariums, as it won‘t crowd out other plants, and its fronds look beautiful in any corner of a jar.

Its light green leaves give off an ephemeral nature and modern touch, and with its minimal maintenance requirements, its perfect for busy people. It can handle low light and doesn‘t need a lot of water.

It will thrive with light misting coupled with regular misting. Club moss is a great way to introduce some greenery into the home with minimal space and time investment.


Star Moss Tortula Ruralis

Star Moss (Tortula ruralis)

Star Moss is a small terrarium plant that gives a splash of color and texture to any space. This lowgrowing moss typically ranges in color from emerald green to yellowishgreen and has a unique frondlike shape.

It does not require much light, making it a great choice for terrariums, since it can thrive in low-light environments. It is also incredibly hardy and requires little maintenance, as it can survive in high humidity and damp environments.

Furthermore, it is an incredibly versatile plant, as it can be grown as a ground cover or planted on a soil substrate, providing added interest to any small terrarium.


Fern Moss Thuidium delicatulum

Delicate Fern Moss (Thuidium delicatulum)

Delicate Fern Moss, also known as Thuidium delicatulum, is a small terrarium plant that is perfect for adding greenery and vibrant color to a terrarium.

It is an evergreen perennial that grows in a matlike form with just a few branches producing delicate foliage, typically in shades of green, yellowgreen, and even copper.

This attractive moss does well in moist shady environments and offers a touch of natural beauty. Its small stature and slow growth rate make it ideal for small terrariums as it will not outgrow the container quickly.

Plus, it does not require direct sunlight or high maintenance. Simply mist the moss with water once a week, and the small fern leaves will remain lush and vibrant.


Sheet Moss (Hypnum Cuppresiforme)

Sheet Moss (Hypnum cupresiforme)

Sheet Moss is a small, green plant that is often found in moist, shady, forested areas. Its distinctive feature is its bright green and slightly twiggy leaves that form flat mats on the soils surface.

Sheet Moss is an ideal mini terrarium plant, as it is small, easy to propagate and maintain, and thrives in high-humidity environments. In addition, its flattened shape makes it a great ground cover, and its small size makes it perfect for smaller terrariums.

Its airy foliage allows it to not overtake the space, and its adaptable growing conditions make sure that it doesnt require much maintenance. With the right amount of light and water, Sheet Moss is an easy small terrarium plant that is sure to add life to any room.

Button Fern (Pellaea Rotundifolia)

Button Fern (Pellaea rotundifolia)

Button Fern, or Pellaea rotundifolia, is a delicatelooking fern that makes an excellent addition to small terrariums. Featuring tiny, round, overlapping leaves with an emerald green color, Button Ferns have a most attractive appearance.

Being fairly maintenancefree plants, Button Ferns prefer low light and high humidity without requiring much additional care. As they grow naturally in tropical climates, they need consistent watering, but not too much, in order to thrive.

Furthermore, their small and slow growth rate makes them a great choice for a small terrarium since they won‘t need to be trimmed too often. All in all, Button Ferns are lowmaintenance plants that will add a bit of charm and character to your indoor garden.


Delta Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum Raddianum)

Delta Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum raddianum)

The Delta Maidenhair Fern, or Adiantum raddianum, is a small, delicatelooking fern that is wellsuited to living in terrariums. It has very small, bright green, shallowlobed leaves which form an attractive, lacy pattern.

This lowgrowing, cascading plant thrives in moist, dark, and humid environments such as terrariums and is easy to care for.

The Delta Maidenhair Fern is a great choice for small terrariums as it can grow to a maximum of 18 inches in height and requires little water, light, and pruning, making it an excellent candidate for a lowmaintenance terrarium plant.


Autumn Fern (Dryopteris Erythrosora)

Lemon Button Fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia ‘duffii’)

The Lemon Button Fern is a bright and beautiful small terrarium plant. It features soft, yellowgreen, tightly curled fronds that form delicate, full foliage.

Its fronds grow a few inches long, making it an ideal choice for small spaces. It is incredibly easy to grow and requires almost no maintenance; all it needs is some indirect sunlight and occasional watering.

As a bonus, the fronds help filter air pollution, making it a great addition to an indoor terrarium. Lemon Button Fern is a beautiful and hardy small terrarium plant that is perfect for adding bright touches of green and yellow to any environment.



Hemigraphis alternata "Purple Waffle" Care Guide | Tropical Plants

Purple Waffle (Hemigraphis alternata)

Purple Waffle is an ideal small terrarium plant as it can thrive in both high and low light and requires minimal maintenance. It is a low-growing, herbaceous perennial with lilac-colored foliage and small, white flowers.

The plant has small rhizomes that spread quickly, making it great for creating an attractive ground cover in terrariums. Versatile and hardy, it is fast-growing and easy to care for, making it a great choice for small terrariums.

In addition, it enjoys high humidity, making it a perfect addition to any terrarium.


Fittonia albivenis "Nerve Plant" Care Guide | Tropical Terrarium Plants

Nerve Plant (Fittonia albivenis)

Nerve Plant is an ideal choice for a small terrarium plant. It has a very eyecatching appearance with its evergreen foliage and white, pink, and red veins that run throughout the leaves.

Nerve Plants are lowmaintenance plants, making them easy to care for. They do best in a lightlyshaded or indirect sunlight environment. They tend to favor high humidity and moist but not overly wet soil.

Nerve Plant is also usually compact, so it takes less space than many other plants, making them an ideal choice for a small terrarium. It is a slowgrowing plant, so it is unlikely to ever outgrow its terrarium.

In conclusion, due to these ideal conditions, Nerve Plant is the perfect small terrarium plant.


Hemigraphis repanda "Dragon's Tongue" Care Guide | Tropical Plants

Dragon’s Tongue (Hemigraphis repanda)

Dragon’s Tongue, a plant native to tropical Southeast Asia is a great choice for small terrariums. These easytocarefor species have beautifully patterned red and green leaves that range from 2 to 4 inches, making them a perfect choice for a smaller living space.

It prefers humid environments, so it does particularly well in terrariums and also thrives in indirect light. Dragons Tongue needs very little maintenance and can be propagated from both stem and leaf cuttings.

Its airpurifying ability also makes it an ideal choice for a small terrarium, helping to maintain optimal air quality.


Creeping Fig (Ficus Pumila)

Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila)

Creeping Fig is a small climber plant that is well-suited for terrariums. It has round small darkgreen leaves with a lightgreen underside and runners that will twirl around your terrarium and provide natural decoration.

It is a lowmaintenance plant and it‘s ideal for terrariums since it is an evergreen and has enduring foliage. Its small leaf size makes it a great addition to closed terrariums as it can‘t overwhelm other plants alongside it.

Additionally, it grows quickly and is able to survive in difficult environments such as lowlight or humid settings. This makes the Creeping Fig an ideal terrarium plant which is perfect for slowgrowing small terrariums.

Crassula ovata "Jade Plant" Care Guide | Terrarium Succulents

Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

The Jade plant is an excellent small terrarium plant with its succulent leaves, small stature, and slow growth habits. It is a small species of succulent shrub native to the dry regions of South Africa.

The jade plant has thick fleshy leaves that are often glossy and emerald green in color, earning it the common name of money plant. Its woody stems and leaves also boast a red tinge along their edges which provides a nice contrast.

The Jade plant is an ideal choice for a small terrarium because of its slow-growing nature, compact size, and strong tolerance to heat, drought, and indoor lighting.

Furthermore, its thick, fleshy leaves are adapted to store water which makes it very forgiving if watering is done a little too often. Jade plants are also great for additional decoration as the leaves are often used in wire jewelry crafting.

Kalanchoe tomentosa "Panda Plant" Care Guide | Terrarium Succulents

Panda Plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa)

Kalanchoe tomentosa, more commonly known as the Panda Plant, is one of the more popular small terrarium plants. It has a charming, rosette shape with fuzzy, tearshaped leaves, which are usually brown and white or grey and silver.

With proper care, it can grow up to 10 inches in height and width and is perfect for smaller terrariums or windowsill pots. This plant loves bright, indirect sunlight and slightly damp soil; it only needs water once per week or so.

Furthermore, it‘s an incredibly hardy and lowmaintenance addition to any small terrarium that can also spread quite rapidly, making it great for areas where it won‘t be aggressively pruned.

If you‘re looking for a lowmaintenance, attractive addition to a small terrarium, the Panda Plant is an ideal choice.

Tillandsia caput-medusae "Medusae Air Plant" Care Guide

Medusae Air Plant (Tillandsia caput-medusae)

The Medusae Air Plant is a small, low-maintenance terrarium plant that is great for small spaces. It has thin, greyishgreen foliage that grows in a rosette pattern and purplishpink flowers.

This plant is perfect for terrariums because of its fast, low growth. It doesn‘t need soil to grow and absorbs moisture directly from the air.

This means it‘s easy to care for in small spaces and won‘t take up any extra space that you don‘t have. In addition, it looks beautiful and adds a great accent to the terrarium.

The Medusae Air Plant is an attractive, carefree addition to small terrariums.

Tillandsia bulbosa "Bulbous Air Plant" Care Guide

Bulbous Air Plant (Tillandsia bulbosa)

The Bulbous Air Plant is a small, easytocarefor terrarium plant that features interesting foliage in the form of clustered green leaves that are folded backward, like fans.

These leaves emerge starting from the plants center, giving it a unique, bulbous look. The plant is hardy and loves warm and humid conditions which makes it an ideal choice for closed terrariums.

The bulbous air plant is lowmaintenance and needs very little water, and is able to thrive with indirect sunlight, making it great for small terrariums.

As an added benefit, its curious fanlike shape makes it an attractive addition to any container garden.

Platystele Spp. "Platystele Orchids" Plant Care Guide

Platystele Orchids (Platystele Spp.)

Platystele orchids are a great choice for small terrariums, due to their incredibly small size and delicate beauty. The plants take up very little space, and are slowgrowing, making them even easier to maintain.

Many Platystele orchids form long branches, creating small, upright mounds that make an attractive addition to many terrarium displays.

Platystele orchids can also tolerate a wide range of light levels, making them suitable for terrariums with any level of light.

With their striking foliage and beautiful, delicate blooms, Platystele orchids make an excellent, lowmaintenance addition to any terrarium.

Lepanthes Spp. "Lepanthes Orchids" Plant Care Guide

Lepanthes Orchid (Lepanthes spp.)

Lepanthes Orchid is a small terrarium plant that provides the perfect accompaniment to any terrarium. This small orchid is native to the tropical regions of South and Central America, and its petite size is just perfect for terrariums.

Lepanthes Orchid has delicate, often white flowers with small rosettes of bright green foliage, making it a charming addition to a terrarium.

It prefers indirect, but steady, light, moderate humidity, and can even tolerate being watered with RO water.

This makes Lepanthes Orchid ideal for a terrarium, offering all the beauty of a regular orchid in a much smaller, more manageable package.

Caring For Small Terrarium Plants

Small terrarium plants are fairly easy to care for, as the miniature ecosystem of a terrarium helps to keep them healthy and thriving.

The most important thing to remember when caring for small terrarium plants is to keep their environment humid, but not too damp.

To do this, you can spritz the plants with a mister bottle a few times a week, or you can use a humidity tray to keep the terrarium soil moist but not too wet. 

Caring For Small Terrarium Plants

Common Issues Of Small Terrarium Plants

Common issues with small terrarium plants include root rot, fungal infections, and over- or under-watering.

Root rot occurs when the roots of a plant are exposed to too much moisture, leading to the roots of the plant becoming waterlogged and unable to absorb oxygen and nutrients.

Fungal infections can occur when a terrarium is not properly ventilated and the humidity is too high, allowing the fungus to grow.

Over-watering is also a common issue, as too much water can cause the soil to become waterlogged and affect the plant’s ability to take in oxygen and nutrients.

Under-watering can also occur, as small terrarium plants may not need as much water as larger plants. It is important to stay vigilant and monitor your terrarium plants for any signs of distress.

If you notice any signs of root rot or fungal infections, it is best to remove the affected plants from the terrarium and treat them with fungicide or insecticide.

If the plants are showing signs of over- or under-watering, adjust the watering schedule accordingly.

If the plants are still not thriving, consider repotting them in fresh soil and providing a better environment for them.

In Summary

Small terrarium plants are an excellent way to bring a bit of the outdoors into your home or office. They are easy to care for, require less space, and are more affordable than larger terrarium plants.

With the right considerations and a bit of knowledge, you can easily create your own small terrarium garden and enjoy the beauty and health benefits of plants indoors.

With the above information, you can now confidently select and care for the perfect small terrarium plants for your own home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some small plants that can be put in a terrarium include mosses, ferns, air plants, orchids; such as mood moss, button fern, and Platystele Orchids.

Yes, many plants will remain small when grown in a terrarium. However, some may require regular pruning or repotting to ensure that they stay small and do not outgrow their environment.

Small closed terrariums can contain a variety of plants, including succulents, air plants, ferns, and smaller varieties of tropical plants. Animals such as snails, hermit crabs, amphibians, and small reptiles can also inhabit small terrariums. Some terrariums may also contain mosses, stones, driftwood, and shells.

No, mini terrariums do not need sunlight as most plants that can be kept in mini terrariums do not require direct sunlight. Some terrarium plants do best with indirect sunlight or near a light source, like a grow light, to aid in photosynthesis.

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