Are you looking for a definitive guide on choosing the right plants for a completely sealed ecosystem? Closed terrarium plants could be the perfect option for you!
These specific types of plants thrive in this type of environment and I am here to give you everything you will need to get the ball rolling on your next build.
In this article, you’ll learn all about the benefits of closed terrarium plants, the types of plants best suited for these terrariums, how to set up and care for your terrarium, and some useful tips to keep your plants alive and thriving.
Table Of Contents:
ToggleBenefits of Closed Terrarium Plants
Closed terrarium plants offer a number of benefits to the sealed environment. First, since they are housed in closed containers, they aid in keeping the inside of the container a highly humid environment. This means that they require much less maintenance than open terrariums or other house plants.
In addition, closed terrariums can help to increase focus and productivity in the workplace. The lush greenery of closed terrariums can provide a calming and inviting atmosphere, which can help to reduce stress and boost creativity.
Furthermore, closed terrariums require minimal care, so they can be kept looking beautiful with minimal effort.

Best Types of Closed Terrarium Plants
Some of the most popular plants for closed terrariums include tropical plants, moss, miniature ferns, orchids, and vines. Each of these plants is unique and requires different levels of care. With the right setup and maintenance, you will be able to enjoy your closed terrarium plants for years to come.
Tropical Plants For Closed Terrariums
When choosing tropical plants for closed terrariums, you should look for plants with low to moderate light requirements and those that are tolerant to dry air.
It is important to ensure that the plants you select have slow growth rates to avoid overcrowding the environment and check for any potential pests or diseases that may be present.
It is beneficial to research the specific requirements of each species beforehand to ensure success in creating a flourishing closed terrarium.

Friendship Plant (Pilea involucrata)
The Friendship Plant, or Pilea involucrata, is an excellent choice for a closed terrarium plant. This attractive plant has striking heart–shaped bright green foliage that emerges from its attractive trailing stems.
It is a perennial that prefers cool temperatures and will thrive in moist, well–drained soil. As it is very tolerant of the humid and closed atmosphere of a terrarium, the Friendship Plant is a popular choice.
It is important to keep the soil of a closed terrarium slightly damp and provide plenty of bright, indirect light. This plant requires minimal maintenance and features deep green leaves that may even produce clusters of small flowers.
It is easy to grow in a terrarium and will provide a stunning display of green and texture.

Corkscrew Rush (Juncus effusus ‘Spiralis’)
Corkscrew Rush is an excellent choice of plant for closed terrariums. It is a slow–growing semi–aquatic creeping perennial grass that features small, tightly twisted bright green blades.
The rush is extremely easy to care for and offers an interesting textural and visual accent. Due to its low–growing habit, Corkscrew Rush is ideal for closed terrariums or other enclosed displays, adding height and a whimsical charm.
It prefers warm, moist environments with bright, indirect light making it an easy addition to a myriad of terrarium designs. It is also very low maintenance, simply requiring a mist of water every few days.

Laceleaf (Anthurium spp.)
Laceleaf is a beautiful, tropical evergreen houseplant that is perfect for closed terrariums. Its dark green foliage has unique lacy–shaped leaves that can reach almost 12 inches long.
This plant blooms small clusters of flowers in a variety of colors ranging from yellow to red. Not only does it add a stunning visual appeal to any terrarium, but it is also low maintenance and well–suited to humid, warm environments.
Laceleaf is an ideal choice for closed terrariums because its environment can be easily controlled, as opposed to an open terrarium, which is more exposed and unpredictable.
Laceleaf thrives in moist areas and is ideal for terrariums that use the humidity created from condensation since the moisture is retained within the closed environment.

Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia spp.)
Dumb Cane is a tropical perennial that is well–suited for closed terrariums. Its attractive foliage and intricate markings make it an excellent choice for these types of habitats.
The oval-shaped leaves come in a variety of shades of green and yellow, with ribbed patterns and creamy white flecks. It can reach heights of up to 6 feet with proper care, though there are dwarf varieties better suited for closed terrariums.
Its love for humidity and consistent temperatures make it a great fit for a closed terrarium environment, as the environment helps reduce the effects of sudden temperature changes or dry air.
Plus, its relatively slow–growing habit makes it easier to contain and maintain.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum spp.)
The Peace Lily is an ideal choice for a closed terrarium as it thrives in humid environments. This tropical plant has dark glossy green leaves and large white blooms that add a beautiful pop of color to a terrarium.
Peace Lilies need plenty of light, but can also remain healthy when grown indoors. With proper care, it‘s likely that you will see blooms 3–4 times a year. This plant is also great for closed terrariums because it naturally produces a lot of humidity.
It helps keep the terrarium atmosphere humid, eliminating the need to regularly mist the plants. Additionally, the Peace Lily is a low-maintenance, resilient plant that can thrive with minimal light and limited water which is typical in a closed terrarium.

Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura)
The Prayer Plant, also known as Maranta leuconeura, is a great choice of plant for closed terrariums. It features broad, dark green oval–shaped leaves with bands of yellow, pink, or white along the veins.
During the day, the leaves are held up in a prayer–like position and lowered down at night. The Prayer Plant thrives in a low-light, terrarium environment. Due to its large leaves, it is best kept away from too much humidity or direct sunlight which can cause them to develop brown spots.
Additionally, it requires rich, moist soil and regular watering. The Prayer Plant makes a great houseplant for a terrarium because of its low maintenance needs and unique eye–catching foliage.

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena braunii)
Lucky Bamboo is an excellent choice of plant for closed terrariums as it is a low–maintenance plant that thrives in low-light environments. Lucky Bamboo is a tropical plant native to Africa and Asia and is characterized by its lush green leaves and thick stalks.
It needs very little moisture and does not require frequent watering, making it ideal for closed terrariums that capture and condense moisture inside a glass bowl or jar.
Furthermore, it is known to bring luck, peace, and good fortune to any space, so having one in a closed terrarium is sure to attract positive energy.

Purple Waffle (Hemigraphis alternata)
Purple Waffle is an attractive and low-maintenance plant that is a perfect choice for closed terrariums. It is a small, bushy perennial that grows between 6 and 12 inches in height and displays deep green foliage with purplish hues.
Its leaves are small, oval-shaped, and orangish-red in color. Purple Waffle requires low light levels and moist soil to thrive, making it great for terrariums that maintain higher humidity levels.
It is easy to propagate and provides an excellent ground cover wherever it grows. With its attractive purple variegation, Purple Waffle is an ideal plant to add drama and charm to a closed terrarium.

Nerve Plant (Fittonia albivenis)
Nerve Plant is a beautiful, low–maintenance, evergreen perennial that is an ideal choice for a closed terrarium. It has bright, shiny, deep green leaves with silver veins, giving it a truly unique look.
Also, it is relatively short, making it a great fit for a closed terrarium, which typically does not offer a lot of vertical space. It thrives in moist, humid conditions and requires moist soil in order to thrive, so it is well–suited to closed terrariums that are naturally humid and moist.
Nerve Plant is also resistant to diseases, making them a great choice for terrariums, where diseases can quickly devastate a population of plants.

Dragon’s Tongue (Hemigraphis repanda)
Dragon‘s Tongue is an attractive and easy–to–care–for plant, ideal for closed terrariums. It is a short, trailing plant with purple–green leaves that resemble the tongue of a dragon, hence the name.
The leaves are glossy and have scalloped edges laced with deep purple veins, giving this plant an exotic appearance. It is an excellent choice for a closed terrarium environment since it is low–maintenance and thrives in humid environments with plenty of indirect sunlight.
Dragon‘s Tongue is a great addition to terrariums as it purifies the air by removing toxins, provides shelter and hiding spots for living inhabitants, and adds liveliness and color to terrariums.

Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)
Parlor Palm is a great plant to have in closed terrariums. It is a tropical perennial that has a unique growth form of low palm with an upright stem and stems branching out from the top.
It has elegant, feathery leaves that are deep green in color, providing a beautiful contrast. It is an excellent choice for closed terrariums because it requires very little light, so it‘s easy to maintain and its slow growth rate makes it an ideal fit for the environment.
Furthermore, it is tolerant to dry air and doesn‘t require much watering. It is also considered to be a good air purifier, due to its ability to remove airborne pollutants like ammonia, benzene, and formaldehyde.
With its delicate look, Parlor Palm is a beautiful addition to any terrarium.
Miniature Ferns For Closed Terrariums
When picking miniature ferns for closed terrariums, it is important to select varieties that can tolerate humidity and low light.
While some standard varieties are too large for closed terrariums, there are smaller varieties that thrive in these conditions, making them an excellent choice.
Additionally, many ferns are also suitable, as they are able to tolerate low light and high humidity conditions. The best type of fern for your closed terrarium should be selected based on its size, light requirements, and humidity preference.

Rabbit Foot Fern (Davallia tyermanii)
The Rabbit Foot Fern is a large and visually stunning terrarium plant that features fuzzy green fronds on top and dense, furry roots on its lower end. Its foot-shaped upper leaves drape down, making an exquisite addition to any terrarium.
The Rabbit Foot Fern does best in high humidity and moist, but not soggy, soil. It is a great option for a closed terrarium, as it thrives in low light and is generally pest and disease-resistant.
As it grows, it is capable of creating a beautiful tropical centerpiece, as well as providing air-cleaning capabilities. Its furry roots and tall fronds also help retain moisture and reduce water evaporation.
The Rabbit Foot Fern is a great choice as a terrarium plant due to its ability to thrive in enclosed environments and its lush, full foliage.

Bird’s Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus)
The Bird‘s Nest Fern is an easy–care tropical plant that is a great choice of plant for closed terrariums. With its long, glossy fronds in an attractive circular shape, it‘s sure to remain an eye–catching feature of any terrarium.
Outdoors, these lush plants create a large clump, but in a terrarium setting, they won‘t grow too much in size. In fact, you can expect the fronds to retain their size and shape with simple and regular maintenance.
Bird‘s Nest Ferns thrive in warm and humid environments, so it‘s important to keep your terrarium lid firmly closed to preserve that environment. With the perfect care and environment, this lovely rainforest plant will steadily grow.

Silver Lace Fern (Pteris ensiformis)
The Silver Lace Fern, or Pteris ensiformis, is an ideal plant for closed terrariums. As an easy–care, full-shade-loving houseplant, it is an attractive addition to any indoor setting.
With delicate, bright green asymmetrical fronds, the Silver Lace Fern can grow upwards of three feet in height. This durable houseplant prefers highly humid conditions and will thrive in a sealed container, where it can humidify the air and recycle moisture staying within the terrarium.
In addition to its beauty, the Silver Lace Fern is also known for purifying the air, and filtering toxins from the atmosphere, providing a healthier environment for you and your home.

Crocodile Fern (Microsorum musifolium ‘crocodyllus’)
Crocodile Fern (Microsorum musifolium ‘crocodyllus‘) is an attractive closed terrarium plant with an unusual name. It is an epiphytic fern with long, finely–divided fanning leaves and an intricate network of creeping rhizomes.
These variegated green and yellow fronds suspend freely over the terrarium soil and provide a stunning display. The fronds are an abundant source of food and shelter for small animals.
As a closed terrarium plant, Crocodile Fern likes high humidity, so it can survive in an indoor, warm, and humid environment. It requires plenty of bright, indirect light and regular watering to keep the soil moderately moist.
This plant is ideal for terrariums because it can tolerate some low levels of light and humidity. Its bright green fronds add a unique, exotic look that can bring any terrarium alive.

Heart Fern (Hemionitis arifolia)
The Heart Fern, also known as Hemionitis arifolia, is an evergreen perennial native to Southeast Asia. Its distinctive, rounded, and symmetrical fronds look like a little heart, so it‘s popular in terrariums, rock gardens, and other shady locations.
Heart Ferns make great choices for closed terrariums because they thrive when temperatures and humidity levels are consistently high. They also prefer indirect light, so a terrarium provides the perfect amount of light for the plant to thrive.
The Heart Fern needs moist soil, so make sure it is planted in a small pot of well–draining soil that stays moist but well–aerated. This type of fern is not prone to disease or pests and grows quickly with the right care.

Button Fern (Pellaea rotundifolia)
The Button Fern, also known as Pellaea rotundifolia, is a tropical fern with a unique-looking habit. It has tightly coiled fronds, and its small, round leaflets make it resemble little buttons, giving it its “Button Fern“ name.
The Button Fern is a popular choice for closed terrariums because its structure is the ideal size for these types of environments and tends to stay relatively small, growing no more than 12 inches in height.
This fern also has a strong tolerance for low light conditions, making it perfect for terrariums where light levels may be limited. Its delicate foliage also adds a beautiful hint of greenery to any closed terrarium, as well as purifying the air within.

Silver Ribbon Fern (Pteris cretica)
The Silver Ribbon Fern, or Pteris cretica, is a great choice of plant for closed terrariums. This evergreen is a spreading perennial with leathery fronds that have a striking white band near the center.
Because it prefers humid environments, it is perfectly suited to the climate of a closed terrarium. Silver Ribbon Ferns are simple to care for, requiring minimal light and moderate watering.
With regular misting and medium light levels, it can reach heights of 18–24 inches. Silver Ribbon Ferns are a beautiful and low–maintenance choice for closed terrariums that creates lively, lush environments.

Delta Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum raddianum)
The Delta Maidenhair Fern is an evergreen, small to medium–sized fern that is beloved for its delicate and lacy foliage. It features finely segmented fronds with dark green, fan–shaped leaflets that fan out from the center of each stem.
This plant takes kindly to terrarium conditions as it prefers indirect, bright light, plenty of humidity, and consistently moist soil. Delta Maidenhair Fern makes an attractive ground cover in terrariums and can quickly fill up an area with bright, lush foliage.
It‘s also a great choice because it‘s easy to grow and maintain in a closed terrarium setting. With a little bit of care, it will thrive in a terrarium environment, providing you with a low–maintenance, aesthetically pleasing addition to your home.

Autumn Fern (Dryopteris erythrosora)
Autumn Fern is a beautiful ornamental fern, with green serrated foliage showing off shades of bronze, orange, and yellow during the cooler months.
This semi–evergreen perennial fern works well in both indoor and outdoor settings but is particularly suited to terrariums due to its low maintenance requirements and ability to thrive in small, controlled environments.
This hardy fern will not only live in moist, shady terrariums but also in the air that is low in humidity, making it a great choice for a closed terrarium.
A closed terrarium acts as an enclosed mini–environment and helps prevent the Autumn Fern from becoming too moist and susceptible to root rot. The Autumn Fern is an elegant choice for a terrarium with its unique foliage and easy care needs.

Lemon Button Fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia ‘duffii’)
The Lemon Button Fern is a beautiful plant known for its delightfully small leaves, which form a dense, evergreen mat of light green foliage. Its small, frilly leaves have a pleasing, bright yellow hue, making it a great recent addition to terrariums.
It’s an ideal choice for a Closed terrarium because it prefers low to medium light and very high humidity. Its delicate leaves can easily burn in brighter light or dryer air, so it’s an excellent decision if you want an eye–catching, interesting, and low–maintenance plant.
Plus, it’s pet–friendly, as its foliage isn’t toxic to common pets like cats and dogs.
Orchids For Closed Terrariums
Closed terrariums can be an effective and stylish way to display different types of orchids. The best types of orchids to use are miniature orchids that can tolerate warmer temperatures.
These types of orchids prefer well-draining soil, low humidity, and indirect sunlight. With the proper terrarium setup and regular maintenance, these orchids can thrive and reward you with beautiful blooms.
Moth Orchids (Phalaenopsis spp.)
Moth Orchids, also known as Phalaenopsis spp., are a great choice for a closed terrarium plant. They are epiphytic, meaning they don‘t require soil as a growing substrate.
These plants prefer high humidity which makes them ideal for closed terrariums. Moth Orchids usually have several long stems with shiny green leaves and fragrant blooms of various shapes, sizes, and colors.
In addition, they can survive for long periods of time with minimal care, making them a low–maintenance choice for any terrarium. Overall, Moth Orchids will add beautiful and fragrant decoration to any closed terrarium.
Dendrobium Orchids (Dendrobium spp.)
Dendrobium Orchids are beloved for their stunning beauty and vibrant bloom of delicate petals. These plants feature thick, leathery foliage and slender, dense spikes with stiff leaves radiating out from the center.
These evergreen or semi–evergreen plants can grow from 12 to 36 inches tall, depending on the variety. The blooms range widely in color, from white to purple to yellow, and last up to one month.
With minimal care and attention, dendrobium orchids can be a great choice of plant for closed terrariums. Closed terrariums often have a higher moisture level and less air circulation than other types of terrariums, making dendrobium orchids well-suited to this environment.
In combination with the naturally humid air enclosure for an ideal environment for the plants. This combined with their low light needs plus the low maintenance requirements, make this hardy species an ideal choice for creating a genuinely captivating terrarium.
Laelia Orchids (Laelia spp.)
Laelia Orchids are an excellent choice for a closed terrarium plant due to the tropical conditions they thrive in. The orchids feature long stems filled with small star–shaped flowers and can come in shades of deep red, purple, blue, or white with contrasting colored lips.
These orchids prefer bright, indirect sunlight and temperatures between 16–24 degrees Celsius, making a closed terrarium the ideal environment. Since Laelia Orchids stay on the shorter side, they are perfect for closed terrariums and make an elegant addition to the environment.
Masdevallia Orchids (Masdevallia spp.)
Masdevallia Orchids are small and colorful flowering plants native to tropical and subtropical regions of South and Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean.
They are an excellent choice for closed terrariums as they thrive in places where humidity is high, and need very little light. These plants feature small, flattened leaves and strikingly bright flowers, usually in shades of purple, red, pink, yellow, and white.
Their flowers can come in a variety of shapes and are known for their unique cupped–shaped blooms, making them a beautiful and interesting choice for terrariums.
In addition to their bright flowers and attractive foliage, they require very little maintenance and can greatly improve indoor air quality.
Tolumnia Orchids (Tolumnia spp.)
Tolumnia Orchids are a perfect choice of plant for closed terrariums. These plants are small and their trailing tendrils can easily fill and drape across any terrarium space.
They feature small round flowers which come in shades of yellow, white, brown, and pink, making them an attractive addition to any terrarium. Tolumnia Orchids are evergreen, growing throughout the year, and bloom multiple times with greater sunlight exposure.
They like warm and humid conditions, making them an ideal choice for enclosed terrariums. Additionally, Tolumnia Orchids require minimal attention and maintenance, so they‘re great for busy owners.
Platystele Orchids (Platystele spp.)
Platystele Orchids are a spectacular species of orchid that can make a great addition to any closed terrarium. Native to the humid forests of Central and South America, Platystele Orchids bear a distinctive star–shaped appearance with long, thin petals and delicate, spiked leaves.
The small size and low light requirements of Platystele Orchids make them a perfect choice for closed terrariums, as they will thrive in warm, humid environments with minimal addition of supplemental light.
Plus, their dramatic bloom and subtle scent add a wonderfully exotic touch to any terrarium display.
Dancing Lady Orchid (Oncidium spp.)
The Dancing Lady Orchid is a beautiful epiphytic orchid with an upright growth habit and distinctive colorful flowers that look like ballerinas dancing.
It can thrive in a wide range of temperatures and humidity levels, making it an ideal choice for a closed terrarium.
Its long, root–like pseudobulbs are adapted for growing in a warm and humid environment and its foliage is generally sturdy with upright leaves that add to the overall look of the terrarium.
This orchid can make a very colorful and unique addition to a closed terrarium. Its bright colors will catch the eye and its ease of care will ensure that it survives and thrives in its new terrarium home.
Lepanthes Orchid (Lepanthes spp.)
Lepanthes orchid is a tropical plant species geared towards a closed atmosphere of a terrarium. The plant produces many branches and stems featuring several tiny blooms as a stunning visual display.
Lepanthes orchid is great for closed terrariums because of its petite size and its ability to thrive in sheltered, humid conditions. The unique blossoms survive in both low light and dark conditions, making them perfect for terrariums without natural light.
It‘s a semi–epiphytic species that is also popular for soil cultivation. The ideal condition for this plant is a mix of high levels of indirect sunlight, substrate, and steady temperatures between 68–85°F.
Lepanthes Orchid has distinct evergreen foliage, along with its flower shapes ranging from small cup–like shapes to large and delicate petals in an array of colors such as lavender, pink, and yellow. It‘s an attractive terrarium species with delicate beauty.
Monkey Face Orchid (Dracula spp.)
The Monkey Face Orchid is a species of orchid originating from Central and South America. It is a climber and grows upward with beautiful broad green leaves and sprays of sweetly–scented flowers.
The flowers of Dracula spp. resemble Monkey faces and come in shades of pale pink, pink, and yellow. It is a great choice of plant for closed terrariums since it is able to thrive in hot and humid environments.
It is also tolerant of little direct sunlight and can happily grow in direct sunlight in a well–drained terrarium. As it is evergreen it will add vibrant color to your terrarium all year round, making it a great centerpiece.
With minimal care, this plant can grow with ease even in a sealed terrarium and is an eye–catching addition to any home or greenhouse.
Cattleya Orchids (Cattleya spp.)
Cattleya Orchids are a fantastic choice as a closed terrarium plant. These orchids are known for their large and showy flowers, often in shades of white, pink, or purple.
The orchid genus includes over 180 different species, ranging in size, color, and shape of their petals. The leaves of the Cattleya Orchid are generally dark green and can be grown indoors in a closed terrarium.
Closed terrariums provide a warm and humid environment, making them the perfect habitat for a Cattleya Orchid.
As an added bonus, the attractive and eye–catching flowers provided by these plants can really play up the look of the terrarium.
Vines For Closed Terrariums
Vining plants are a great option for closed terrariums because they can add color and texture to any enclosed space. Not only that, but they can also help keep temperatures stable and circulate fresh air.
Some of the best types of vining plants to use in a closed terrarium include Philodendrons, Pothos, and English Ivy. These are hardy, easy-to-care-for plants that require limited light and will create stunning greenery in any terrarium.

Baby Tears (Soleirolia soleirolii)
Baby Tears is an ideal choice for a closed terrarium plant. This plant is a low–growing species that can form an attractive and dense mat. Its tiny, evergreen leaves are a bright, emerald green color and are reversibly oval in shape.
Baby Tears is a great choice for closed terrariums due to its capacity to thrive in the high humidity and lower light environments of closed terrariums, coupled with its ability to tolerate moderate neglect.
It provides an interesting texture and attractive color to terrariums and its low growth makes it a great choice for layering with other plants and as a carpeting plant.

Radiator Plant (Peperomia spp.)
The Radiator Plant is a species of plant in the Piperaceae family and is a great choice for closed terrariums due to its small size and low light needs.
It features dark green leaves, often with silver or red stripes, and can reach up to 8 inches in height, making it ideal for terrariums where space is limited.
Radiator plants are happy in temperatures between 65–80F and a maximum of 60% humidity, so they do well in many terrariums. They will also survive in lower light and need only occasional watering.
Finally, due to their low growing habit, they are an excellent choice for the bottom layer of your terrarium, helping to create a lush, rich environment.

Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron scandesens)
Heartleaf Philodendron is a great choice of plant for closed terrariums due to its ability to thrive in humid and low-light conditions.
This evergreen vine is fast–growing and can quickly reach a length of 6–8 feet or even longer! Its deep shiny green heart–shaped leaves offer a lovely contrast to any closed terrarium.
Heartleaf Philodendron is also known for its air–purifying properties, so it‘s a great option if your terrarium has very little air circulation. When it comes to caring, this plant requires moderate amounts of water and moist soil.
This is why closed terrariums are the perfect environment to ensure that the Philodendron stays healthy and happy!

Trailing Jade (Peperomia rotundifolia)
Trailing Jade is an ideal choice of plant for closed terrariums. With bright green and lime–yellow foliage, Trailing Jade is a great addition to any enclosed terrarium. This plant is a low-maintenance, slow-growing succulent that has compact and succulent leaves.
It can bring the terrarium to life without taking away from other decorations. Trailing Jade is a great humidity-loving plant and prefers bright, filtered indirect sunlight.
For maximum success in a closed terrarium, the plant should be misted frequently and watered only when the soil is dry. With the right care, it will steadily grow with length and gracefully trail down out of the terrarium.

Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya)
The Polka Dot Plant is a great choice of plant for closed terrariums as it does very well in low light and humid conditions.
The plant originates from Madagascar and has attractive green leaves with unique pink and white spotted markings. It can grow to a height of around 30 cm in height, and it grows best when fertilized regularly and given indirect sunlight.
The Polka Dot Plant is relatively easy to care for, and it is a great option for closed terrariums as it doesn’t require much light or water to thrive.
The plant also looks beautiful and its leaves are sure to add a bit of fun and color to your terrarium.

Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila)
Creeping Fig, or Ficus pumila, is a low–maintenance evergreen perennial vine that produces glossy green leaves that look like a carpet on the surface area.
It is an ideal choice for closed terrariums because of its unique flame–like trailing or climbing stems.
This plant not only looks lush and vibrant but it is also known for being drought–resistant and shade–tolerant, making it low–maintenance and ideal for a closed terrarium with minimal care requirements.
Creeping Fig is an excellent choice for adding texture and style to any terrarium and is ideal for those looking to create a cozy, green atmosphere.

English Ivy (Hedera helix)
English Ivy, also known as Hedera helix, is a small evergreen vine that makes an ideal choice of plant for closed terrariums.
It is a very hardy and resilient plant and is known for its glossy, dark green foliage. Its arching stems can reach lengths of up to 80 ft when grown outdoors but will remain small in a terrarium.
Its leaves display interesting variegation, ranging from white, green, and yellow, creating an eye–catching color variation. Its air–purifying properties make it a great addition to a terrarium, as air trapped inside will benefit from its natural filtering qualities.
English Ivy is low–maintenance, requiring little water, as well as sun, and can thrive in almost any environment, making it a great choice for a closed terrarium.

Devil’s Ivy (Epipremnum aureum)
Devil’s Ivy is a robust climbing evergreen tropical vine, native to warm moist climates. It is an excellent choice for closed terrariums due to its easy care and adaptability to warm and moist conditions.
With high humidity, its leaves develop a glossy sheen and become more vibrant in coloration. It also acts to remove toxins, making it great for air purification.
Its trailing stems and heart–shaped leaves create a lush vibrant filler for creating a beautiful terrarium display. Its fast growth makes it an important evergreen backdrop for low-light terrariums.

Aluminum Plant (Pilea cadierei)
Aluminum Plant is an easy–to–care–for, featured evergreen perennial from the family– Urticaceae, that makes a great choice for closed terrariums.
It is a very unique tropical evergreen owing to its flowerlike foliage which has silver–scalloped edges that catch the light and sparkle.
Its classic arrowhead–shaped leaves are glossy green with a lovely silvery aluminum sheen. It grows best in moderate humid conditions in bright, indirect light and requires well–drained, moist soil to grow.
In closed terrariums, the humid environment helps Aluminum Plant to thrive, and its glossy foliage adds a beautiful look to your terrarium. It is also resistant to many garden pests.

Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia)
Creeping Jenny is an excellent choice for closed terrariums. This trailing houseplant is native to Europe and features small round, velvety leaves and roots that form nodules.
Creeping Jenny has the unique ability to tolerate low light and moisture, making it an ideal plant for closed terrariums.
In addition, it has a low-maintenance, fast-growing nature and is a great choice if you‘re looking to quickly fill in your terrarium.
With its bright and uplifting colors – deep green foliage and bright yellow flowers – it can instantly bring life to any terrarium.
Moss For Closed Terrariums
Using the best types of moss in a closed terrarium helps to create a lush and vibrant miniature garden.
These mosses can help reduce the humidity levels within the terrarium and absorb excess water, which can aid in maintaining a healthy and productive environment for plants and animals.
The right mosses will help to bring balance to the terrarium as well as provide a home for microorganisms that can help break down waste and provide nutrition for plants and animals.
Additionally, the right mosses can help to add a natural aesthetic, making the terrarium even more beautiful.
Setting Up Your Closed Terrarium
- Choose the right terrarium container: Select a container that is the right size and shape for your plants, as well as one that has a lid to keep humidity in.
- Choose the right terrarium soil: Use soil specifically designed for terrariums or make your own using equal parts peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite.
- Pick the perfect plants: Choose plants that will work well in a closed terrarium, such as the tropical plants, moss, miniature ferns, orchids, and vines we covered earlier.
- Add a drainage layer: Put a layer of gravel or stones at the bottom of the container for drainage.
- Place your plants: Place the plants in the terrarium and arrange them so that they look pleasing.
- Add water: Carefully water your terrarium plants, making sure not to over-water them.
- Seal the terrarium: Place the lid on the terrarium to maintain the humidity.
- Place in the right spot: Place the terrarium in an area that gets indirect light, such as a windowsill. If you have a proper lighting setup, place it anywhere within a room that doesn’t receive direct sunlight.
Caring For Closed Terrarium Plants
Caring for a closed terrarium is relatively easy and low maintenance. Ensure the terrarium is in the right environment with the correct intensity of light, water, and temperature.
Use the guide above to choose the right soil and terrarium container for the plants, and pick the perfect plants for the environment. With proper care, closed terrarium plants can thrive for years.
Light is an essential element for a closed terrarium. Without proper terrarium lighting, your terrarium plants will not be able to photosynthesize and eventually die. Depending on the type of plants you have in your terrarium, you will need to provide the right amount of light for them to thrive.
For most terrariums, indirect sunlight from a nearby window is usually enough. If your terrarium isn’t located near a window, you may need to supplement it with a grow light of some sort. Make sure to get a light with the correct intensity and color spectrum for your plants, as different types of plants need different amounts of light.
You should also adjust the light depending on the season, as plants will need more light during the winter months. Finally, you should provide some dark periods for your plants to rest.
Most plants should be exposed to 12-14 hours of light each day, with the remaining 10-12 hours in the dark. This will help them to naturally adjust to their environment and thrive in your terrarium.
Watering a closed terrarium is a delicate balance. Too much water and the plants can become waterlogged, while too little water and the plants can become dried out. It is important to keep the soil damp but not soaked.
Generally, a closed terrarium should only need to be watered every two to three months. When watering, use a spray bottle to lightly mist the soil and plants until the soil is evenly damp. Be sure not to water the leaves or the glass walls, as this can encourage the growth of mold and bacteria.
Depending on the type of plants in the terrarium, you may need to adjust the frequency of watering. Plants with thicker leaves, such as orchids, may need to be watered more often. If you are ever unsure, it is best to tread on the side of caution and wait a few days before watering.

Temperature is an important factor to consider when setting up and caring for a closed terrarium. Ideally, a closed terrarium should be kept in a temperature range of 18-24°C (65-75°F). This range should provide the optimum environment for the plants to thrive.
If the temperature is too low, the plants may become dormant and growth may be stunted. Similarly, too high temperatures can cause the plants to wilt and die. The temperature of the terrarium can also affect the amount of moisture inside the enclosure.
Warm air is able to hold more moisture than cold air, so higher temperatures will result in increased humidity inside the terrarium. This is important to note because many plants that are suited to closed terrariums prefer high-humidity environments.
Finally, the temperature of a closed terrarium should stay relatively consistent. Big variations in temperature can cause the plants to become stressed, so it’s important to ensure that the terrarium is not placed in direct sunlight or near any heating sources.
Closing Thoughts
Closed terrarium plants are an excellent way to bring a touch of nature into your home. They are easy to maintain and require just a few simple steps to ensure proper care. With the right conditions, these plants can thrive and bring a beautiful, natural element to your space.
Whether you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant to keep in your home or office, or a unique addition to your decor, closed terrarium plants are a perfect choice.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are several types of plants that can live in a closed terrarium including air plants, mosses, orchids, ferns, vines, and tropical plants.
The lifespan of a closed terrarium depends on the plants and other materials used to set up the terrarium, as well as the amount of care given. Generally, a closed terrarium can last from months to several years.
Yes, closed terrariums can get moldy due to the increased humidity and lack of air circulation. To avoid this, terrariums should be opened regularly to allow air to circulate and excess moisture to evaporate.
The frequency of misting a closed terrarium will depend on what type of plants are in the terrarium and the environment in which it is kept. Generally, it is recommended to mist the terrarium once or twice a week, making sure all plants have been adequately watered.
1. Not cleaning soil and gravel before adding it to the terrarium.
2. Not providing enough ventilation.
3. Not ensuring the layers of the terrarium are properly proportioned.
4. Using soil that drains too quickly or too slowly.
5. Not allowing for proper drainage in the terrarium.
6. Overcrowding plants and not leaving adequate space between them.
7. Not using enough soil for the plants.
8. Not using the proper type of light for the plants.
9. Not using the right type of plants for the terrarium’s environment.
10. Not providing enough water to the terrarium.
No, activated charcoal is not necessary for a closed terrarium. It can be used to improve air quality and odor, but a healthy terrarium should be able to maintain an adequate balance without it.
To create a terrarium, select a container that is the right size and shape for your plants, with a lid to keep humidity in. Use soil specifically designed for terrariums or make your own with equal parts peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite. Choose plants that will work well in a closed terrarium, such as tropical plants, moss, miniature ferns, orchids, and vines. Put a layer of gravel or stones at the bottom of the container for drainage, then carefully place the plants in and arrange them. Water your terrarium plants, making sure not to over–water them. Place the lid on the terrarium, then place it in an area that gets indirect light, such as a windowsill.
Closed terrariums need indirect light, as direct sunlight can cause the plants to overheat. Place them in a spot that gets bright, natural light, but not direct sun. An east– or west–facing window would be ideal.
A good closed terrarium plant should be able to withstand higher humidity and temperature levels, have little to no need for regular pruning and tolerate a few days of lower light or shade. Popular types of plants used in closed terrariums include vines, miniature ferns, tropical plants, and orchids.