
Ecuador Philodendron (Philodendron verrucosum)

Philodendron verrucosum commonly referred to as the Ecuador Philodendron is an absolutely stunning vivarium plant species.

It stands out for many reasons, mainly due to its striped midrib that runs down the middle of each leaf and its reddish-green coloring.

It is a hardy vine plant, with great potential for resistance in terms of disease, pests, and other common problems.

It’s an excellent choice for beginner and experienced hobbyists alike, as it is quite easy to take care of.

Quick Stats:

Scientific Name: Philodendron verrucosum

Family: Araceae

Common Names:  Ecuador Philodendron

Habitat:  Tropical, Moist Forests

Height: Up to 6ft

pH Range: 6.0 to 8.0

Temperature: 55°F to 85°F

Lighting: Bright

What Is Philodendron verrucosum?

The Ecuador Philodendron is a species of aroid plant native to tropical forests in Ecuador. It has long, oval leaves that appear a deep green in color but have reddish veins running down the middle.

The leaves are prominently marked by a striped midrib and a smoothed edge. Its aerial roots and creeping foliage will add unique texture and color to any vivarium setup!

Ecuador Philodendron verrucosum | The Plant Care Guide

Philodendron verrucosum Facts

Ecuador Philodendron is well known for its attractive aerial roots, which can help create a natural “basket” feel in the vivarium.

These aerial roots often give the plant an appearance resembling a basket or nest.


The Ecuador Philodendron has wonderfully deep green and red/green-striped foliage that gives vibrancy and life to any enclosure.

Its leaves will each grow to be around 7 to 8 inches in length and are marked with a prominent strong midrib that runs down the center of each leaf.

The edges of its leaves will appear to be slightly smooth rather than jagged or toothed like many other philodendrons.

The overall height of the plant varies greatly depending on the vivarium’s size and height, but commonly reaches heights of up to six feet in ideal conditions.


In the wild, the Ecuador Philodendron is native to the moist, densely shaded forests of Ecuador. It can be found growing just feet away from water sources such as rivers, lakes, or streams.

In the wild, its foliage can reach heights up to six feet, making this plant one of the tallest in its genus.

pH Preference

While the Ecuador Philodendron can thrive in a range of pH levels, it prefers a slightly more acidic level than most of its related species.

It prefers soil that has a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0, with 6.5 to 7.5 being preferred.

Vivarium Type

Just like most Philodendrons, Philodendron verrucosum can do very well in a variety of vivarium types.  Although there is no determined enclosure that it must be placed in, some might be better than others.

The amount of space available is one of the most important things to keep in mind when making a decision.

In addition, Ecuador Philodendrons should also be provided with tropical, moist, and well-drained terrain areas. Here are recommended vivariums it will do well in:

    • Paludariums – Half aquatic/ half terrain-based enclosure.

    • Terrariums – Fully terrain-based enclosures with little to no aquatic features.

Vivarium Placement

This plant can be used as a component of the background, midground, or paired with hardscapes in the foreground.

As a climber, it can be used to enhance other tropical terrarium plants and create secluded niches within the vivarium.

I recommend planting this philodendron near the back or center of the tank, allowing it to creep out to the front.


The Ecuador Philodendron prefers soil that is moist and slightly acidic. A suggested terrarium substrate would consist of a blend of soil, peat moss, and perlite for drainage.

A high-quality orchid bark mix or coco coir can also work, as this plant is quite adaptable.


Philodendron verrucosum enjoys medium to high-intensity lighting and can actually tolerate more light than some of its relatives.

It is important to note, however, that too much direct sunlight can scorch delicate foliage. For the best terrarium lighting setup, compact fluorescent, LED, or high output (HO) T5 light should do the job properly.

Buy Philodendron verrucosum

When shopping for Ecuador Philodendron, expect a few key indicators you are buying the best quality plant. The plant should be insect free along with any other types of pests.

Try to avoid any browning or wilting leaves. Those are usually signs of poor health and could make it harder for the plant to survive.

Click the image below to find out more about the current price and other relative info about this plant:

Philodendron verrucosum Care & Propagation

To properly care for a Philodendron verrucosum, the environment should be kept warm, but not too hot. Water when the soil is dry to the touch, and fertilize monthly during the active growing season.

Bright, indirect light is best for this plant and it should be rotated for even growth. It is important to keep the leaves clean and dust-free, as well as ensure that the soil is well-draining to prevent overwatering.

Also, provide humidity with occasional misting as this species requires more moisture in its environment.

How To Grow

Propagating the Ecuador Philodendron is very simple and involves taking stem tip cuttings with at least two nodes. Place the cutting in a glass of water, or place the cutting directly into the soil.

Moisten the soil and allow for adequate drainage. New growth will slowly begin to form at the node, and slowly the cutting will become a full plant.


Philodendron verrucosum prefers moist soil, with consistent watering. When watering, ensure that the soil is damp all the way through the pot.

Water less frequently with lower temperatures, and water more often with higher temperatures. If the soil is allowed to dry out, the plant will begin to suffer.

Plants Similar To Philodendron verrucosum

Adding diversity to an enclosure is key to an aesthetically pleasing setup. Try mixing up the look of your vivarium with different flora that can easily co-exist in the same types of environment.

Furthermore, if for some reason you find this ivy hard to acquire or would like to consider something similar to this plant…

Here are some other vine plants you might find may do well with or in the place of Ecuador Philodendron:

Lysimachia Nummularia "Creeping Jenny" Care Guide | Vivarium Plants
Baby Tears Plant (Soleirolia Soleirolii)
String Of Pearls (Curio Rowleyanus)


The Ecuador Philodendron is a beautiful and hardy plant, with a diverse range of appearances making it an ideal choice for vivariums of any type.

Its tall stature and creeping foliage can provide an excellent accent to any setup while offering its inhabitants a safe and secluded environment.

With its ability to tolerate pH levels ranging from 6.0 to 8.0 and its tolerance for medium to high light levels, the Ecuador Philodendron is a great addition to any terrarium setup.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Philodendron verrucosum is considered to be a rare plant species due to its limited distribution and specific growing conditions.

Yes, Philodendron verrucosum is a vine plant that is grown for its attractive foliage.

Yes, Philodendron verrucosum is a slowgrowing species of philodendron. It takes a few years for the plant to reach its full size and develop leaves with the characteristic rough texture.

No, Philodendron verrucosum does not like full sun and should be grown in a shady or partly shady location.

Philodendron verrucosum is a climber.

 Philodendron verrucosum does not need a moss pole. However, providing one helps the plant grow and develop its climbing habit. Moss poles provide stability and an anchor for the plant to climb, as well as a surface to grip the aerial roots.

Many factors can cause a Philodendron verrucosum to turn yellow, including overwatering, underwatering, too much light, not enough light, and nutrient deficiencies.

Yes, Philodendron verrucosum is easy to grow and is a great choice for beginner plant collectors. It has large, bushy leaves and requires minimal care and maintenance. It prefers medium to low indirect light and will thrive when given the right amount of moisture.

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