Welcome to your comprehensive guide to effective Stagmomantis Carolina care!
In this article, you’ll learn all about the unique characteristics of this species, and the environment needed to give your Carolina Mantis the best home.
We will also go into depth on proper feeding, handling instructions, and breeding guidelines.
We hope that armed with this information, you will be able to enjoy caring for your pet praying mantis for the duration of its life.
Characteristics: | |
Common Name | Carolina Mantis |
Family Name | Mantidae |
Scientific Name | Stagmomantis Carolina |
Use | Pets |
Temperament | Non-aggressive |
Lifespan | 8 to 12 Months |
Diet | Insectivore |
Adult Size | 2 to 3 in |
Breeding Type | Egg Layer |
Care Level | Moderate |
Minimum Tank Size | 5 Gallons |
pH | 7.0-8.0 |
Hardness | Moderate |
Temperature | 75-80°F |
Table Of Contents:
ToggleWhat Is A Carolina Mantis?
Stagmomantis Carolina is a species that belongs to the insect family Mantidae, commonly known as praying mantises.
They can be found naturally in Southern and Mid-Atlantic states in the United States.
The origin of its common name Carolina Mantis comes from the fact that it is a native species to both North as well as South Carolina.
These mantises have a unique eye spot on their thorax which serves as a defense mechanism to ward off predators.
What Does A Carolina Mantis Look Like?
Carolina Mantises are a relatively small species, measuring about 2-3 inches (5-7.5 cm) in length, although females can reach up to 3.5 inches (9 cm).
They are typically green or brown, with striped patterning along the abdomen and wings that may vary from individual to individual.
mantises can rotate their heads nearly 180 degrees, as well as fly and leap distances up to 100 times their body lengths!
They have a powerful grip with their raptorial forearms, as well as spines and sensory organs to aid in hunting prey.
Benefits Of Using A Carolina Mantis
When done correctly, introducing Carolina Mantis to an enclosure can provide many benefits to a vivarium.
Firstly, by having a mantis in the tank, you will be providing a predator for the other insects in the enclosure.
This predator can help to keep them from over-populating and damaging plant life in the vivarium.
Additionally, Stagmomantis Carolina is capable of catching large insects as well as other flying pests that can enter a terrarium, such as flies and mosquitoes.
The striking colors and size of the praying mantis also make them pleasing visual pets to many types of vivariums, helping to bring the enclosure to life.
Finally, Carolina Mantises are relatively low-maintenance pets.
So with proper care, these creatures can be entertaining pets that add a unique and fascinating aspect to the enclosure.

Carolina Mantis Facts
Stagmomantis Carolina is an insect native to the southeastern United States that has an average lifespan of a year.
Their diet consists of a variety of small living insects and they typically have a docile temperament, making them well-suited for passive observers.
Breeding is fairly straightforward and has traditionally been done via the female depositing her eggs into an ootheca for protection, which is then typically left outside until it hatches.
Stagmomantis Carolina is a type of praying mantis native to North America.
They are most commonly found in forests and wide open areas in the southeastern United States, although they can also be found in other parts of Brazil as well.
They prefer warm, dry climates and can often be spotted perched on branches and twigs or flying around in search of food.
Carolina mantids need plenty of space to hunt, mate, and grow and they can usually be found alone or in small groups.
They prefer to live in areas with plenty of vegetation for camouflage from predators and plenty of shrubbery for hunting and roosting.
Their ideal environment is a combination of vegetation, sand, and open areas.
Create the perfect home for your mantis with our Customizable Mantis Enclosure Kits, designed to meet all their habitat needs.
In the wild, Carolina Mantises feed on various insects, small arachnids, and other small invertebrates.
They hunt their prey with their long raptorial front legs, often drawing a meal close and devouring it in flight.
Carolina Mantis are considered to have relatively even temperaments.
They are non-aggressive by nature and are not known to bite people when handled.
However, it helps to keep in mind that their primary defense mechanism is camouflage and not aggression.
As a result, they may be startled when approached and may attempt to fly or jump away.
Stagmomantis Carolina has also been known to be somewhat territorial with each other, so it is good practice to use caution when handling more than one of the same species.
For other animals in the home, the Stagmomantis Carolina may be considered a ‘friend’ of sorts as they are known to eat pesky insects such as flies, aphids, etc., and help to balance the ecosystem in a household.
Carolina Mantis has a relatively short lifespan compared to most other insects, with the average being 8-12 months.
These small praying mantises begin their life journey as an egg, which is laid onto a leaf or stem and encased in a protective egg sac.
The eggs typically hatch after about 4-5 weeks into nymphs, who molt through several stages of development as they mature into an adult.
At each stage, the mantis will increase in size and develop more specialized features.
Once adult, they begin the final mating phase of their life cycle.
Stagmomantis Carolina mates with the male flying and chasing the female.
Eventually, the male will be able to grab the female’s wings and copulate, completing the mating process.
Once mating is complete, the female will lay her eggs in an egg sac which she will attach to a secure area, such as the stem of the plant or the walls of the enclosure.
It can take up to several weeks for the eggs to hatch, and once hatched, the young mantises will look like miniature versions of their parents.
It is very helpful to consider the age of your mantises before attempting to breed them.
Young mantises are not fully developed or mature enough to successfully breed, and attempting to do so can cause serious health issues for the unready mantises.
You should also provide supplementary feeding to breeding adults, as they require more energy when reproducing.
Finally, creating a suitable environment for egg-laying is important and necessary for successful breeding; providing an area with easily attachable surfaces is essential for that process.
Where To Find A Carolina Mantis
If you’re looking to find Stagmomantis Carolina in the wild, you’ll need to head to the US Southeast from mid-May to November.
S. Carolina feeds and breeds in the last few weeks of the season, making it the best time to spot them.
Alternatively, you could purchase this type of Praying Mantis from a reputable breeder, pet shop, or other similar outlets.
When choosing a Carolina Mantis for sale, make sure it’s a captive-bred specimen.
Be sure to inspect the individual before buying it, looking for signs of stress or illness.
Carolina Mantis Care
Caring for Stagmomantis Carolina requires providing them with suitable habitat, proper temperature, and lighting.
It also requires correct humidity and substrate levels, suitable food and accessories, safety when handling, and guidelines for sexing and egg laying.
With a little care, you can easily maintain healthy Carolina Mantises!
Tank Requirements
When building a habitat for these mantises, it is essential to provide an enclosure that meets all their needs.
The ideal vivarium type would be a tall terrarium with openings that are no bigger than 1/4 inch, as the Carolina Mantises can barely fly but they can climb.
Keep the pH of the water offered neutral to slightly alkaline at 7-8, as they prefer a moderate hardness.
The temperature should be kept around 75-80°F (24-27°C), as Stagmomantis Carolina can survive in a range of temperatures, but temperatures lower than 50°F (10°C) must be avoided.
As for terrarium substrate, use peat moss and coco fiber mixed, as it not only provides humidity but also a place for burrowing and laying eggs.
As for terrarium lighting, Carolina Mantises can do well in both natural and artificial lighting.
If using natural lighting, position the cage in an area with indirect sunlight, such as near windows.
If you prefer artificial lighting, you can use a fluorescent bulb or LED light placed at least eight inches away from the tank.
What Does A Carolina Mantis Eat?
Feeding your Carolina Mantis can be a rewarding experience for both you and the mantis!
Stagmomantis Carolina mainly eats live insects- such as crickets, flies, moths, aphids, grasshoppers, and beetles.
Mantises should be fed 2-3 times a week and they must have access to fresh water for hydration.
Consider feeding your mantis a variety of food items like what was mentioned along with feeder worms such as mealworms, waxworms, and superworms for a balanced diet.
When feeding other insects, make sure they are free of pesticides and chemical treatments.
Additionally, don’t forget to “gut load” your feeder insects (provide them with nutritious food before giving them to the mantis) to ensure your Carolina Mantis is well nourished.
If you’re looking for a more detailed approach to feeding these critters, be sure to check out my ultimate DIY Praying Mantis food guide. I give a more in-depth explanation of the best foods and my favorite recipe.
Best Tankmates For A Carolina Mantis
Finding the proper tankmates for Carolina Mantis is key to creating an optimal habitat.
To ensure the mantis safety and health, it is recommended to select companions for your mantis that are beneficial to the habitat.
Stagmomantis Carolina will benefit from the presence of other bugs that will act as prey and provide the necessary food source for the mantis.
Some of the best bug species to include in a mantis habit include springtails, crickets, and small millipedes.
As a bonus, these bugs are also beneficial to the habitat, as they act as decomposers and help break down organic matter.
Finally, for the Carolina Mantis to remain in good health, it is crucial to select tankmates that will have similar environmental and nutritional needs.
We hope you have enjoyed reading this comprehensive guide to Stagmomantis Carolina care.
By following the advice in this guide, you should have succeeded in providing a beautiful and happy home for your Stagmomantis.
Caring for a Carolina Mantis involves many steps, but with the right knowledge and dedication, you can ensure that your mantis will live a long and active life.
Create the ideal habitat for your praying mantis with our species-specific soil mixes and Insect Enclosure Kits. These products provide everything you need for a thriving Mantid habitat.
Frequently Asked Questions
Carolina mantises (Stagmomantis carolina) are not considered rare and are actually quite common in their native range in the southeastern United States.
Yes, Carolina mantis can make good pets. They are relatively easy to care for, as long as they are provided with enough space, a comfortable habitat, and a variety of food sources. Additionally, because of their short lifespan and insectivorous diet, they are recommended only for intermediate and experienced insect hobbyists.
No, Carolina mantis are not poisonous. They are harmless to humans and animals, making them an ideal pet to keep in your home. They are predators, feeding on insects such as crickets, moths, and flies.
Carolina mantises cannot survive the winter outdoors in most regions, as they are not cold-hardy. However, they can be kept indoors in a suitable environment with proper temperature and humidity levels.