
Seiryu Stone (Mini Landschaft)

Sedimentary rocks are some of the most common stones used as hardscapes in vivariums.

Could it be the fact that there are some of the most aesthetically pleasing materials to use…

Or because they are some of the more easily obtainable stones compared to some of the more pricey metamorphic and igneous rocks.

Either way, they are undoubtedly great to use for aquascaping.

Amongst the many sedimentary stones we cover on this site, Seiryu Stone is arguably one of the most sought-after.

This definitive guide will cover all aspects of this particular vivarium rock and hopefully explain the true value behind the legendary thousand-layer stone.

Quick Stats:
Traditional Name Seiryu Stone
Common Names Thousand Layer Stone, Mini Landschaft
Origin Japan
Habitat Hills, Shallow Mountains
Color Greyish Blue, White Streaks
Density (g/cm3) 1.93g – 2.90g
Hardness 2.5 – 4
PH Impact Raises PH, Elevates Hardness
Elemental Type Sedimentary Rock (Carbonated Limestone)

What Is Seiryu Stone?

Seiryu Stone is a clastic sedimentary rock made up of mostly carbonated limestone with streaks of calcite veins running throughout its layers.

This rock is also commonly referred to as Thousand Layer Stone and Mini Landschaft which is German for “mini landscape”.

With this stone being composed mainly of calcium carbonate, it is a rather heavy rock to work with, in a vivarium.

Furthermore, the marine-based sediments that form this stone make it ideal for hard water environments.

Seiryu Stone Aquascape Tips

Seiryu Stone Facts

There are several stones out there, that very closely resemble Seiryu Stone.

It’s not uncommon to find similar rocks like Ryuoh Stone that get passed off as Seiryu Stone replicas due to their striking resemblance.

Another variation of the stone often sold on the market is the Black Seiryu Stone.

This version of the rock has a darker hue of blue and will often time give the stone an almost black look as a whole.

If you are thinking to yourself why would anyone go through the effort to counterfeit a rock?

you aren’t alone…

With Seiryu Stone skyrocketing in popularity in recent years, It has become illegal to export the stone from Japan.

Any existing stock of the stone outside of Japan more than likely won’t be around long once it is sold out.


With so many Seiryu Stone decoys out there, it’s important to know key aspects of the rock to properly identify it from other stones.

The color of this rock will vary depending on the amount of calcium carbonate and other carbonic minerals that are compacted into the stone.

Mini Landschaft has a greyish-blue color to it often sporting white veins pulsing throughout its surface.

Darker shades of grey will more than likely be found in Black Seiryu Stone, a variation of the sedimentary stone covered here.

The lighter, almost pale shade of grey is more than likely a different rock altogether (Ryouh Stone).

As I mentioned earlier, not all genuine Seiryu Stones will have the signature white streak of calcite found within them.

This is a random occurrence usually found on stones mined from specific parts of an area.

Another striking detail of the Thousand Layer Stone is its deep crevices and pores found on the outer surfaces of the rock.

This is an aspect of the stone that isn’t always found within the inner layers of the stone.

Keep that in mind before breaking the stone into smaller sizes.

Much like Dragon Stone, the revealing holes covering this solid mineral are a contribution of the weathering conditions of the environment to this stone is native too.

The noticeably denser weight of Seiryu Stone is something else that makes this vivarium rock different from many others used in the hobby.

Limestone is generally heavier than many other minerals.

Since this rock is a sedimentary stone composed of mostly this organic matter, it will be worth noting that it should be placed firmly within a vivarium and not stacked too high.


Japan is such a resourceful place to find aquascaping stones and as one would expect, Seiryu Stone can only be found there.

The shallow valleys this stone originates in are a dry slightly vegetated mainland.

Due to its sudden increase in demand lately, Japan has made it illegal to export this rock as a way to combat the rapid mining of the precise mineral.

Similar rocks harvested from areas other than Japan are not true Seiryu Stones and will look very different in person when compared to this particular stone.

Environmental Influence

As one would expect, Seiryu Stone does have an impact on its environment.

Depending on how much of the rock is used, this stone can raise pH levels and make the surrounding water harder.

This can have a devastating effect on inhabitants as well as plants that require low levels of pH and soft water parameters.

One way to combat the effects of Mini Landschaft is to buffer it with low-pH soils and wood.

Adding these types of substrates and hardscapes is usually enough to keep water conditions at a consistently ideal level while still enjoying the aesthetics of an influential rock composed of limestone.

Vivarium Preference

Seiryu Stone can be used in a variety of vivarium types.

Ideally, it should go to aquariums that benefit from higher levels of hard water.

Cichlid tanks, for example, require an almost brackish water setup this rock would be perfect for this.

Hobbyists who choose to use this rock in freshwater vivariums will often need to buffer the water with driftwood or substrate that will combat the effects of this stone.

Seiryu Stone is a very popular rock to use in simple design enclosures like iwagumi-themed setups.

This hardscape should be used as the centerfold of your tank being placed slightly offset from the center of your terrarium and/or aquarium.

Being given a common name like Mini Landschaft should hint towards the fact that this rock does a wonderful job mimicking large mountainscapes…

So use that to your advantage when designing the scape.

Be sure to firmly mount this rock when working with it to prevent structure collapse later down the line.

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Besides being an extremely aesthetically pleasing stone to work with…

Seiryu Stone does have some other advantages one might not realize right away.

The porous structure this rock exhibits makes it very suitable for microorganisms to anchor on.

This allows healthy algae and other beneficial bacteria to form on the surface of this rock for smaller inhabitants like shrimp to eat.

Epiphytic plants like moss also latch on very easily to this stone due to its previous exterior.

Another great takeaway from using Mini Landschaft is its durability.

This is a rather tough rock to work with and doesn’t break as easily as other types of aquascaping stones.

That’s great for longevity purposes because it won’t easily wither away like many sedimentary rocks tend to do over time.


Depending on the vivarium this rock is intended to go in, there might be some drawbacks to using Seiryu Stone.

As I mentioned earlier, It has an impact on pH levels and water hardness.

This is something to keep in mind if you are dealing with delicate livestock and you more than likely might be better off using a different hardscape material altogether if you aren’t sure about how to work with the stone.

Another factor that might not be ideal for your setup is the density of Mini Landschaft.

It would not be beneficial to stack this type of stone very high due to its overall weight.

Buy Seiryu Stone

With Seiryu Stone now being illegal to export out of Japan, it will eventually become nearly impossible to acquire anywhere outside of that region of the world.

There are many retailers who currently still have a limited supply of it within the market.

We were fortunate to find some available from some of those retailers over on Amazon.

When buying Mini Landschaft, consider the source and be sure it is what is listed in the description.

No two pieces will look alike but they should still have many of the characteristics listed in this article.

The stones may or may not come pre-cleaned so be sure to give it a quick rinse and test for any impurities that may still be present on the stones.

Click the image below to find out more about the current price and other relative info:

Seiryu Stone Recommendations

When it comes to working with Seiryu Stone for the first time, there are a few things worth keeping in mind.

What kind of pieces you have and how much of them should be used are important factors.

Preparing this stone for an enclosure is also a valuable step that will ensure longevity.

Also, making sure there aren’t unwanted elements tucked within this stone will aid in preventing unwanted fluctuation of the custom habitat will also be recommended.

Here are a few steps below to better understand the management of Mini Landschaft:

Cleaning Seiryu Stone

In most cases, newly acquired Seiryu Stone will need slight preparation before going into a vivarium.

This will matter more for aquariums, ripariums, and paludariums rather than terrariums since unclean stones will cause water to change color.

Begin by placing stones in a bucket of cold water. Lightly rinse each stone thoroughly with a medium-pressure hose.

Use a bamboo skewer to assist with breaking up debris trapped in small crevices.

Repeat this process until you can place stones in a clean bucket of water and observe no noticeable change in color.

Avoid using chemicals or strong water pressure so that the rocks aren’t worn down drastically and lose their aesthetic.

Breaking Seiryu Stone

Seiryu Stone can be a bit on the difficult side of the scale when it comes to breaking it into smaller pieces.

Covering it with a towel and bashing it with a hammer more than likely won’t warrant aesthetically pleasing smaller bits.

I would recommend the hammer and chisel procedure with this rock.

Chiseling off parts of the rock is a more controlled way to break Mini Landschaft into desirable pieces.

No matter which way the rock is broken up, make sure to wear safety goggles because parts of the rock will go airborne.

Also, reclean rocks as needed once they are broken.

Rocks Similar To Seiryu Stone

When designing a new enclosure for the first time, it would be best to stick with one type of stone to use as a hardscape.

Furthermore, this type of rock can be hard to come by due to its recent limited ability.

If, for any reason, you find Seiryu Stone difficult to acquire, or simply want to consider something different…

There are a wide variety of stones to contemplate.

Here are some other types of stones one might find are worth taking a look at in the place of Mini Landschaft:

Strata Rock "Sandstone" Hardscape Guide
Pumice Rock "Floating Stone" Hardscape Guide
Basalt "Lava Rock" Hardscape Guide


Overall, I love everything about Seiryu Stone.

Its environmental effects on a vivarium are easily manageable with a little bit of understanding.

No pun intended when I say it’s well worth its weight in appearance.

It is an excellent stone to use in a setup that aims for simplicity…

Mini Landschaft is also great for scale due to its cliff-like appearance.

The fact that it has become a little harder to acquire lately has led me on a bit of a horde whenever I can run across this rock in local stores.

One caution I would strongly recommend is being skeptical of any retailer selling this type of vivarium rock.

Since there are so many look-a-likes out there…

It is fairly easy to end u with something other than genuine Seiryu Stone.

Handmade Hardscape/Terrain Decor For Aquariums & Terrariums

Frequently Asked Questions

A Seiryu stone is a greyblue stone that is used in Japanese landscaping and garden designs. It is typically characterized by its flat shape and unique striations. Seiryu stones often have an angular, angularity that adds to their beauty and makes them popular in water features, such as ponds and aquariums. They are also used to create steps and pathways.

Seiryu Stone adds minerals, calcium, and trace elements to your aquarium water, enhancing its aesthetic and overall water chemistry. It also helps to buffer pH and resist changes in alkalinity. This can provide longterm stability, promote beneficial biological activity, and help keep nuisance algae in check.

Seiryu Stone is a type of limestone found in Central Japan. It is composed of mostly calcite, with some trace minerals including quartz, garnet, magnetite, and hematite. The stone is often a darker hue with white and yellow bands and is especially popular for use in aquariums.

Yes, Seiryu Stone can lower pH levels in aquariums. It has a porous surface which helps to absorb acidic compounds and can reduce the pH levels in the tank. Seiryu Stone is also highly beneficial to aquarium fish and invertebrates, providing many places for them to hide and increasing their overall health.

Seiryu () is a mythical Chinese creature and meansazure dragon in Japanese. It is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations and is also known as Qinglong or Seih Ryuu in Japanese.

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