
Green Jumping Spider (Mopsus mormon)

Mopsus mormon is a small, elegant creature with fascinating behavior, and it makes an excellent pet invertebrate.

If you’re looking for a unique, engaging, and manageable new pet and have an interest in spiders, then the Green Jumping Spider might be the perfect option for you.

This comprehensive care guide for the Green Jumper will provide you with all the essential information you’ll need to ensure your pet jumping spider enjoys a full life.

Common Name Green Jumping Spider, Mormon Jumping Spider
Family Name Salticidae
Scientific Name Mopsus mormon
Use Pets
Temperament Non-aggressive
Lifespan 1 to 2 Years
Diet Insectivore
Adult Size 10-18mm
Breeding Type Egg Layer
Care Level Easy
Minimum Tank Size 5-10 Gallons
pH 6.5-7.0
Hardness Moderate
Temperature 71-80 °F

What Are Green Jumping Spiders?

Mopsus mormon belong to the family Salticidae and commonly go by the names Green Jumping Spider and Mormon Jumping Spider.

These are surprisingly charismatic spiders that are diurnal, meaning they are mainly active during the day.

As its common name suggests, the Green Jumping Spider is notable for its ability to jump long distances just using its legs for propulsion.

The species gets its common name from its vibrant green and yellow markings that make it an attractive specimen.

Create the perfect home for your arachnid with our Customizable Spider Enclosure Kits, designed to meet all their habitat needs.

Adaptable Jumping Spider Enclosure Kit | Bantam-V2 Jumper

What Do Green Jumping Spiders Look Like?

Mopsus mormon is relatively large, and its average body length is 10 to 18mm.

They have a distinctive, glossy green carapace, often with darker brown markings along the edges.

The Green Jumping spider has been adapted for life in the trees, with a strong and agile body, and the ability to jump up to three feet in the air.

They have several pairs of eyes positioned symmetrically around the head, a two-part abdomen, and four pairs of legs which help them move around quickly and easily.

Benefits Of Using Green Jumping Spiders

Green Jumping Spiders can be an excellent addition to your vivarium, providing other larger animals with a healthy and natural food source.

Mopsus mormon is also a natural predator and can be used to help rid your terrarium of any potential parasites.

The Green Jumper is a fascinating creature, with its ability to jump and hunt; it can truly be fun and engaging to observe.

Due to their smaller size and predictable behavior, they are generally easier to keep and manage than larger species of spiders.

Additionally, they can offer a fascinating insight into your pet’s behavior, making them a great choice for all types of hobbyists.

Green Jumping Spider: The Mopsus mormon Care Guide!

Green Jumping Spider Facts

Mopsus mormon is a small, arboreal spider from Australia, with an average lifespan of a few years.

They have an impressive jumping ability that allows them to hunt for their primary diet of small insects and spiders in the wild.

They are an active, sociable species that tend to breed in the spring, and they can make an active and friendly pet if given the right care and environment.


Green Jumping Spiders are arachnids originally discovered in Australia and New Guinea.

In their native habitats, you can usually find Mopsus mormon in tropical rainforests and sparsely wooded forests.

They prefer areas with plenty of trees and foliage where they can spin webs and hide away if necessary.

During the day, Green Jumping Spiders tend to stay high in the foliage to stay out of the reach of predators.

At night, they come out of their hiding places to look for food, either actively hunting or sitting and waiting on their webs.

As such, they prefer a humid climate, as the moisture helps to preserve their webs and makes hunting prey easier.

Replicate their natural habitat perfectly with our bioactive species-specific soil mixes, designed to provide the ideal moisture and organic content for your arachnids.

Woodland Forest Substrate Mix For Terrariums | Bantam.Earth


Mormon Jumping Spiders in their natural habitat primarily eat insects and other small invertebrates.

Their diet includes flies, beetles, moths, caterpillars, crickets, spiders, and other small prey.

They use their powerful jumping skills and built-in venom to catch their prey.

In the wild, these spiders will hunt at night and will eat their prey alive. 


Green Jumping Spiders are generally docile and shy creatures around humans.

As they are generally solitary animals, they will rarely show aggression to potential predators and rarely bite humans, even if they feel threatened.

Because of their small size, they do not require much handling, and can generally stay in their enclosure without having to be taken out.

That being said, they are quite active animals and may become scared or struggle if handled too harshly.

It is important to be gentle and patient when handling your Green Jumper. 

When kept in the same enclosure as other Green Jumping Spiders, they may tend to fight, so it is not suggested that they live with other spiders.

When it comes to other animals, such as insects, small amphibians, or other arthropods, it is essential to research and ensure compatibility before introducing them to the same enclosure as your spider.

Many of these creatures may prey on or otherwise irritate or stress out your pet, not to mention the risk of transmitting diseases or parasites to the spider.


Mopsus mormon is known to live an average of 12 to 24 months.

In ideal conditions, they may live even longer.

Like many spiders, they spend the first portion of their adult lives in the late molt stage when they become sexually mature.

During this time, they build silken retreats, mate, and eventually lay eggs in late summer.

After hatching, the spiderlings take about 2-3 months to reach maturity, whereupon they then begin their adult life cycle.


Green Jumping Spiders have elaborate mating rituals and they will often perform a complex courtship mating dance.

The male will display his colorful side, flicking his front legs or tapping the air with his chelicerae.

If the female is interested, she will signal her interest by waving her front legs in a reciprocating manner.

the wild, when the female fancies the male, the two will mate and the male will then leave.

After the mating takes place, the female will deposit her eggs in a safe location and will cover them with a warm substrate such as dried leaf litter or soil.

The eggs will remain safe from predators until they hatch, usually two or three weeks later.

The hatchlings look like tiny adult spiders, but they are not yet able to hunt, and they rely on camouflage and other protective strategies to survive.

After a few weeks, they will venture out and start to hunt and feed on their own until they reach adulthood.

Where To Find Green Jumping Spiders

If you’re interested in obtaining a Mopsus mormon of your own as a pet, there are a few different options.

The most popular way to find them is to order them online from a reputable breeder.

You can also look for nearby pet stores that may carry the species, although they can be harder to find in traditional pet stores.

Alternatively, you may be able to find Green Jumping Spiders in your local area, although this is a much less common option since they are not found in many places.

You should always try to find captive-bred specimens when possible, as wild-caught specimens will often carry diseases or suffer from other health issues.

If you do plan on collecting Mormon Jumping Spiders from the wild, make sure to wear appropriate protective gear and practice responsible collecting techniques.

Green Jumping Spider Care

To care for Mopsus mormon, it is important to provide a suitable housing environment with proper temperature, humidity, and substrate.

Make sure to feed them a balanced diet and provide a healthy enrichment habitat with arboreal decor, foliage, and hiding places.

Regularly check for signs of disease and ill health and know about treatments and healthy habits.

Tank Requirements

The Green Jumping Spider requires a specialized environment and should always be kept in an appropriate terrarium or paludarium.

Vivariums should be roomy and at least 5 to 10 gallons, typically this includes a mesh lid or a sliding lid to help maintain humidity.

The ideal temperature range is between 71-80°F and the pH and hardness levels for water provided should be maintained between 6.5 and 7.0.

The terrarium substrate should be kept at least 2 inches deep with a mix of moss, bark, leaves, and/or cork for climbing.

Terrarium lighting should be kept to a minimum, although some owners may opt to use a UVB-emitting low-wattage bulb – only if necessary.

What Do Green Jumping Spiders Eat?

Feeding your Green Jumping Spiders is an essential part of keeping them healthy and active.

A balanced diet for them consists of live prey, such as small crickets, spiders, fruit flies, small moths, aphids, and mealworms.

Additionally, you should provide them with fresh water by misting the tank every two days.

If you’re looking for a more detailed approach to feeding these critters, be sure to check out my ultimate DIY jumping spider food guide. I give a more in-depth explanation of the best foods and my favorite recipe.

Best Tankmates For Green Jumping Spiders

Mopsus mormon are solitary animals, so they do not need tankmates.

If you choose to have other animals in your enclosure with the Green Jumping Spider, consider those species that have similar care requirements and that provide enrichment opportunities for the jumping spider.

Keeping other jumping spiders in the same enclosure is not recommended, as this may lead to competition for food and territory.

Good tankmates for the Green Jumping Spider include other slow-moving or sedentary arthropods like slugs, snails, millipedes, and isopods.

These animals share the same temperature, humidity, and dietary needs for jumping spiders, so they can be kept with the spider without putting it in any danger.

These slow-moving counterparts also provide movement stimulation for the jumping spider, encouraging it to be active and explore its environment.

Moths, crickets, and mealworms can also be fed to the jumping spider as a nutritious meal.


Taking care of a Green Jumping Spider can be an immensely rewarding experience.

These intriguing spiders start to form personal connections with their owners, and they can provide hours of joy to those advancing in their caretaking.

By following this guide and diligently monitoring the health of your pet spider, you can expect a long and happy life with Mopsus mormon.

Create the ideal habitat for your arachnids with our species-specific soil mixes and Spider Enclosure Kits. These products provide everything you need for a thriving spider habitat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, green jumping spiders can bite when they feel threatened. Although the bites are generally harmless, they may cause mild discomfort and itching.

Green jumping spiders are a species of spider found in the Southeast United States. They are brightly colored and can jump up to five times their own body length. These spiders feed primarily on small insects and are known for their stunning colors.

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