
Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetle (Anatis labiculata)

If you’re on the hunt for a unique pet, then the colorful and distinct Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetle might be worth looking into!

This interesting beetle is found throughout North America and Canada and is known for its bright orange and black spots that stand out from all other types of ladybug species.

In this guide, we discuss how to properly care for Anatis labiculata, their diet, common health concerns, and tips for creating their natural habitat.

Common Name Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetle
Family Name Coccinellidae
Scientific Name Anatis labiculata
Use Pest Control, Pets
Temperament Non-aggressive
Lifespan 1 year
Diet Omnivorous
Adult Size 7.2 to 9.5 mm
Breeding Type Egg Layer
Care Level Easy
Minimum Tank Size 5 Gallon
pH 6.0-7.5
Hardness Moderate
Temperature 75-85°F

What Are Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles?

Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles are a species of beetle from the family Coccinellidae.

They are typically found throughout North America and Canada and are easily recognizable with their bright pale color and dark spots – hence their common name.

The scientific name, “Anatis labiculata,” is derived from the Greek for “spotted lady beetle.”

The spotted pattern of the Lady Beetles is what sets them apart from other insect species.

In fact, their common name comes from the fifteen spotted patterns they are usually found with.

What Do Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles Look Like?

Anatis labiculata is between 7.2 to 9.5 millimeters long and oval-shaped with an overall bright off-white or yellowish color.

As their name implies, these beetles have fifteen black spots on their wing covers.

They have 6 legs with small, black feet and antennae on their heads which are used to detect food and detect danger.

The antennae have club-like structures or knobs at the end which makes them look quite unique.

In terms of their morphology, the Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetle has a thin, flexible exoskeleton with eyes that are positioned laterally on the sides of its head.

They are among the larger members of the Coccinellidae (Ladybird Beetles) family and are known to be quite active!

Benefits Of Using Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles

Fifty-spotted Lady Beetles are gaining popularity as an interesting pet for vivariums due to their colorful and distinct appearance.

These types of enclosures provide Anatis labiculata with a natural environment as they can feed off the nutritious plants and leaves within the tank and thrive in the humidity created.

The presence of these beetles also adds some fun and excitement to a miniature ecosystem.

They are known to be extremely active in areas with plenty of vegetation and other forms of food.

Additionally, Lady Beetles can help reduce the presence of pests, such as aphids and fruit flies, in the vivarium.

This will further benefit the plants and other inhabitants.

Anatis labiculata: A Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetle Care Guide!

Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetle Facts

Anatis labiculata is a vibrant and unique beetle found throughout North America and Canada.

Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles live up to a year and consume both plants as well as animal matter.

As they are slow-moving and docile pets, proper care is important in order to keep them healthy.

With the correct diet and housing conditions, these ladybirds can breed happily in captivity.


The Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetle prefers warm, sunny settings and can often be found near lakes, ponds, and streams.

It is a primarily terrestrial beetle species and can occasionally be found flying through grassy fields searching for food.


In their natural habitats, the Lady Beetles’ main food source is aphids.

Once these insects have finished feeding on aphids, they are known to also feed off scales, whiteflies, and moth larvae.

They make a great addition to the garden as they can provide natural pest control.

While aphids are abundant in the environment, Anatis labiculata have also been known to feed on nectar, plant sap, and pollen if necessary.

In the wild, they will also feed on other beneficial insects such as bees and wasps.

If necessary, Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles can supplement their diet with other insects or scraps of food found around the garden.

They benefit from a balanced diet in the wild, preferably with their natural prey – aphids. 


Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles are generally very gentle and calm around humans and other animals, making them ideal pets for households with children and other pets.

They are docile and non-threatening, and they rarely bite unless provoked or cornered.

These beetles can also be handled easily and will usually stay perched on your finger or hand without any problems.

They can also be easily moved and transferred from one location to another without causing stress.


The lifespan of Anatis labiculata will vary depending on the external environment and access to food.

Generally, these beetles can live up to 4-12 months in ideal conditions.

In its lifetime, the Fifteen-spotted lady beetle will go through four stages of development; egg, larval, pupae, and adult. 

The egg stage of the lady beetle is very short and typically occurs in mid-to-late summer.

The eggs are deposited by females on the underside of leaves and hatch in 10-14 days.

The larvae that hatch are small and black in color, however, they will gradually develop the trademark off-white and black spots typical of the Fifteen-spotted ladybird.

After two to three weeks of feeding, the larvae will transform into pupae and spin themselves into a thin yellow-brownish cocoon which will remain for a few days before emerging back out as an adult. 

Once fully grown, A. labiculata will move on to search for mates and reproduce.

At this stage, they will also become more active and may move from host to host in search of prey.


Mating season for Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles usually begins in the middle of April and lasts through the end of May.

The mating consists of the male and female beetles attempting to climb up on top of each other and then remain there for up to 4 hours.

They will then separate and the female will lay the eggs in favorable places like levels of vegetation, trunks, and trees, or under mulch and soil cover. 

This process will typically happen twice a year for them and can result in anywhere from 10 to 100 eggs. 

Where To Find Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles

If you’re looking to purchase a Fifteen-spotted Ladybug, they are available for sale from pet stores and online specialty retailers.

When purchasing from a pet store, make sure to find healthy specimens with bright, colorful spots and no signs of injury or infection. 

If you’d prefer to find Anatis labiculata in the wild, they are often found on flowers, tree trunks, and leaves.

Although wild-caught specimens may be more challenging to care for, it can be a great opportunity to observe these unique beetles in their natural habitat.

Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetle Care

Caring for Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles involves providing them with a balanced diet, a natural habitat, regular check-ups, and preventative health measures.

Additionally, making sure to provide them with your love and care will help ensure that they have a long life as your companion.

Tank Requirements

Anatis labiculata needs a terrarium or paludarium that is at least 5 gallons in capacity.

The enclosure should be well-formed and tightly sealed with a secure mesh lid.

The ideal tank environment should have a temperature between 75-85°F with a slightly acidic to neutral water pH of 6.0-7.5.

Maintain a low to medium hardness for the water (10-20 ppm) and ensure that the vivarium is well-ventilated.

Some terrarium light or indirect sunlight is beneficial, but make sure there is enough shade in the tank for the beetle to hide.

Provide a substrate such as coconut fiber or reptile mulch for the beetle to burrow in.

Add foliage, such as vivarium plants or flowers, to the tank to provide extra cover and a more natural setting.

What Do Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles Eat?

Feeding Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles can be an enjoyable experience for pet owners.

You can feed these beetles small pieces of fruits, vegetables, and proteins such as mealworms and aphids.

Here is a list of the food items you can provide for Anatis labiculata

  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Grapes
  • Peas 
  • Berries 
  • Bananas 
  • Mealworms 
  • Aphids 

Keep in mind that these beetles are small and have small mouths, so you should always cut the food into very small pieces to avoid potential issues.

Additionally, to provide them with adequate nutrition, make sure to provide a mixture of different foods.

As a rule of thumb, the amount of food to give should be no more than the beetles can consume in one day.

Lastly, remove any leftover food on the next day to avoid rotting and bacteria growth.

If you’re looking for a more detailed approach to feeding these critters, be sure to check out my ultimate DIY ladybug food guide. I give a more in-depth explanation of the best foods and my favorite recipe.

What Do Ladybugs Eat? | Best Ladybug Food + DIY Recipes!

Best Tankmates For Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles

When it comes to tankmates for Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetles, you should look for other species that have similar beneficial qualities.

A few of the best tankmates include toad bugs, predatory shore bugs, damsel bugs, buprestid beetles, big-eyed bugs, minute pirate bugs, and syrphid flies.

These species are all predators that feed on aphids, which can help reduce pest populations in your tank and keep Lady Beetles healthy.

Feeding stations in gardens may also help attract these beneficial species.

It’s essential to remember that Anatis labiculata should not be kept with other species of bugs or animals that are larger than them, as they could be eaten by these predators.


Caring for a Fifteen-spotted Lady Beetle is a rewarding experience! With the right environment and diet, these endearing beetles can live fruitful life.

Movement, access to light, and proper nutrition are some of the key attributes to ensure the health and well-being of this interesting species.

Whether you’re just getting started or have an established colony, Anatis labiculata make for unique and fascinating pets.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, 15 spotted ladybugs (Anatis labiculata) are not poisonous.

They are actually considered beneficial insects as they feed on plant pests such as aphids.

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