
Slug Food

Have you ever wondered what slugs eat?

Slugs are fascinating creatures that can be found in many gardens and yards, but what many people don’t know is that make fun pets and can even be fed with homemade food.

This DIY Slug Food Guide will teach you all about what slugs eat, what slug food to buy,  and when to feed slugs.

I will also show you how to make your own DIY slug food recipe and common mistakes to avoid with feeding them.

Read on to learn more!

What Do Slugs Eat?

Slugs are omnivores, which means that they consume both plant and animal matter.

In the wild, slugs will feed on a variety of different items such as fruits, vegetables, fungi, and even dead animal matter.

Slugs have a unique way of eating, as they secrete a special type of mucus that helps them to digest their food.

They also have a rasping mouthpart that helps them to scrape up their food.

When kept in a terrarium, slugs will eat decaying plant matter, which helps to break down and recycle nutrients in the terrarium soil.

Buy Slug Food

If you prefer to buy slug food, I find that commercialized snail food works just fine.

You can find slug food at garden centers and pet stores, as well as online.

It’s important to read the ingredients list on the packaging to make sure you are getting a quality product.

Slug food should contain natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and minerals.

Many brands also include additional nutrients such as calcium, which is important for slug health.

Once you have purchased the food, it’s best to keep it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

When To Feed Slugs

Slugs are nocturnal creatures, so the best time to feed them is in the evening or at night.

If you want to feed them during the daytime, try to find a shady spot in your enclosure.

Additionally, slugs should be fed on a regular basis, as they need a consistent supply of food.

Lastly, it’s important to note that slugs will feed on a variety of food sources, including fruits, vegetables, and even decaying plant matter.

Common Mistakes 

One of the most common mistakes made when feeding slugs is not providing the right type of food.

Slugs are omnivorous, meaning they will eat a variety of plant and animal materials.

This can include anything from fruits and vegetables to insects and worms.

If you are feeding slugs, make sure to provide them with a variety of food sources to ensure they are getting enough nutrition.

Another common mistake is feeding slugs too much.

While slugs will naturally eat a lot, it is important to avoid overfeeding them.

Overfeeding can lead to health issues, so it is important to provide them with just enough food. 

Finally, it is important to avoid using food that contains pesticides or other chemicals.

Slugs are sensitive creatures and they can be harmed by these types of substances.

If you are using store-bought food, make sure to read the ingredients and avoid any that contain chemicals, salts, or sugars.


In conclusion, feeding slugs can be a fun and rewarding experience!

Slugs are fascinating creatures, and it’s important to understand what they eat, when they eat, and common mistakes to avoid.

With this DIY Slug Food Guide, you can make sure your slugs are well-fed and happy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Slugs are known to feed on a wide range of plant materials, but they particularly favor moist and decaying vegetation.

They also have a preference for fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, lettuce, and cabbage.

Slugs may eat oatmeal if it’s moist and has a high enough sugar content, but it is not a natural or preferred food source for them. Other foods such as fruits, vegetables, and decaying plant matter are more suitable for their diet.


You can feed a slug leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, decaying plant matter, fungi, and algae.

Slugs do not drink water in the traditional sense, but they do require a moist environment to survive. They obtain the necessary moisture through their skin and can also absorb water from dew or rainfall.

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