
Ladybug Food

Welcome to the ultimate ladybug food guide! Ladybugs are beloved insects that bring joy to many children wanting to learn about an insect’s many stages of life.

But to keep these little critters happy and thriving, it’s important to know what to feed them.

In this guide, we’ll explore what ladybugs eat when to feed them, and how to make your own homemade ladybug food recipes.

So read on to learn all about feeding your ladybugs and keeping them healthy and well-fed!

What Do Ladybugs Eat?

In the wild, ladybugs are voracious eaters, but their diet mostly comprises aphids and other small insects.

They will also eat small amounts of nectar and pollen.

In addition to these food sources, ladybugs feed on flower petals, fruit, and some vegetable plants.

Ladybugs also eat springtails, small spiders, mealybugs, scale insects, and other small pests that can damage plants and crops.

All in all, ladybugs are great natural predators that can help to keep your garden insect-free.

Provide the perfect diet for your beetles when you mix their food into our Bioactive Beetle Substrate Blend, which is rich in organic material to support their natural feeding habits.

Beetle Substrate Mix For Terrariums | Bantam.Earth

Buy Ladybug Food

If you don’t want to make your own DIY Ladybug Food, you can buy pre-made ladybug food from your local garden center or online.

This food is specifically designed for ladybugs, providing them with the nutrients they need to remain healthy and happy.

Look for ladybug food that is organic and free from any added chemicals or artificial ingredients.

This will ensure your ladybugs are getting the best nutrition possible.

When To Feed Ladybugs

When it comes to feeding ladybugs, timing is important.

Ladybugs are most active during the spring and summer when temperatures are warm and there is plenty of food for them to eat.

As the days start to get shorter and cooler, the ladybugs will enter a state of hibernation and won’t need to be fed.

During this time, it is important to refrain from feeding them as they will not be able to digest the food and it may cause them to become sick. 

When ladybugs are active, you should feed them every few days to ensure they are getting enough food.

Make sure to remove any excess food that has not been eaten, as this can attract other insects and cause contamination.

Lastly, you should also make sure to provide fresh food sources for your ladybugs. As they are natural predators, they will need to feed on smaller insects along with a pre-made diet.

Common Mistakes 

One of the most common mistakes made when it comes to feeding ladybugs is not providing enough food.

Ladybugs need a steady supply of food, especially when they’re growing and reproducing.

If they don’t have enough food, they could starve, so be sure to provide enough food for them.

Another mistake is feeding ladybugs the wrong type of food.

Ladybugs are attracted to sweet and sticky treats, such as nectar, pollen, and fruits, but not all of these foods are suitable for them.

Be sure to read up on what types of food are safe for ladybugs and stick to those.

Finally, another mistake is feeding ladybugs too often.

Ladybugs don’t need to be fed every day, and overfeeding them can cause them to become sick or even die.

A good rule of thumb is to only feed them once a week or so.

This will ensure that they are getting enough food to stay healthy and happy.


Overall, feeding your ladybugs can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

With the right knowledge and the right ingredients, you can create homemade ladybug food that’s full of the nutrients your bugs need.

We hope this guide has given you the confidence to start providing your ladybugs with the nourishment they need!

Create the ideal habitat for your beetles with our species-specific soil mixes and Insect Enclosure Kits. These products provide everything you need for a successful and thriving beetle habitat.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Aphids
2. Mites
3. Scale insects
4. Mealybugs
5. Small insects and larvae

Yes, ladybugs eat fruit. They typically feast on soft fruits, decomposing fruit, and even nectar from flowering plants.

Ladybugs eat small insects indoors, such as aphids and mites. They may also feed on mealybugs, scale insects, and small larvae.

You can feed ladybugs apple slices, bananas, orange slices, carrots, or other kinds of fruit.

A mixture of brewer‘s yeast, wheat germ, and water can also act as a nutritious meal for ladybugs.

Ladybugs can survive for several weeks without food because they are able to draw on their stored fat reserves.

However, ladybugs should be given food as soon as possible to ensure their health and longevity.

A ladybug‘s favorite human food is likely any kind of soft fruitsuch as apples and bananasas the sweetness will attract them.

Yes, you can feed ladybugs sugar water. Mix a teaspoon of sugar into four ounces of water, stirring until the sugar is fully dissolved.

Place the mixture in a shallow container and let the ladybugs drink it up.

Ladybugs drink nectar from flowers, water, and sugary liquid. During hot days, ladybugs may drink water from damp surfaces such as wet leaves.

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