
Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider (Attulus fasciger)

Developing an understanding of proper Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider care is essential for an active and thriving pet.

Attulus fasciger is becoming increasingly popular as a unique companion choice for its interesting behaviors and appearance.

We’ve created this guide to give you the tools you need to provide the best possible care for your pet jumping spider.

Everything from providing a proper setup and a balanced diet to understanding key elements of their environment.

Read on to learn all you need to know about Asiatic Wall Jumper care!

Common Name Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider
Family Name Salticidae
Scientific Name Attulus fasciger
Use Pets
Temperament Non-aggressive
Lifespan 1 to 3 Years
Diet Insectivore
Adult Size up to .6 cm
Breeding Type Egg Layer
Care Level Moderate
Minimum Tank Size 5 Gallon
pH 6.0-7.5
Hardness soft- Moderate
Temperature 70-80°F

What Are Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders?

Attulus fasciger belongs to the Salticidae family which is commonly referred to as “jumping spiders.”

They get this name from their remarkable jumping ability.

These spiders are found in tropical environments and are active during the day.

Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders are visually striking, with their coloring ranging from various shades and spots.

Create the perfect home for your arachnid with our Customizable Spider Enclosure Kits, designed to meet all their habitat needs.

Adaptable Jumping Spider Enclosure Kit | Bantam-V2 Jumper

What Do Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders Look Like?

Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders are small, fuzzy arachnids typically around 6mm in size.

Their bodies are usually a combination of browns and grays with a white outline.

They have two main body segments with eight jointed legs that are usually covered in fine hairs.

Their front two legs are the longest and extend out for catching prey like other small bugs and flies.

On their abdomen, Attulus fasciger have multiple horns and spikes for protection.

They also have strong palps that are like tiny arms and are used to manipulate their prey and move around debris.

Finally, they have four small eyes positioned in pairs toward the front of their head.

Benefits Of Using Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders

Attulus fasciger makes fantastic additions to vivariums due to their interesting behaviors and interactive nature.

Keeping this species can help to heighten your appreciation of spiders while also keeping the environment clean and healthy.

Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders typically remain fairly small in size, making them a perfect fit for many smaller types of vivariums.

Additionally, the Attulus fasciger is perfect for those looking for a pet that requires less hands-on care.

All you have to do to ensure your spider is happy is provide the necessities.

Asiatic Wall Jumpers also help to keep other pests in check and can add beauty, color, and life to any enclosure.

Attulus fasciger: An Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider Care Guide!

Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider Facts

Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders are a species of jumping spiders that live in the tropics of Asia.

They typically have a calm temperament and a lifespan of a few years.

They mainly feed on small insects, particularly flies, and require some difficulty to be bred in captivity.

Attulus fasciger are adept climbers, which allows them to traverse even the most difficult and uneven surfaces.


Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders are natively found in countries such as China, Laos, Myanmar, and Pakistan.

In their natural habitat, they live in a subtropical climate.

The temperature ranges between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit and the relative humidity between 70-80%.

Attulus fasciger also tends to live in semi-arid and arid areas with various types of vegetation, such as grass, scrub, and sparse forests.

They can also inhabit cracks and crevices in rocks and trees, as well as inside buildings.

Asiatic Wall Jumers are also considered to be one of the main species of spiders found in the Indo-Malayan region.

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Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders are voracious predators, actively seeking out small prey such as flying and crawling insects.

Fresh water should also be offered to the Attulus fasciger and refilled or replaced as needed.

These spiders need to drink at least a few times a week, or when their dish is empty, as they can become dehydrated.

It is also important to keep their habitat clean, as bacteria and mold growth can cause serious health issues.


Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders tend to be a skittish species and humans should approach them with caution.

It is best practice to never handle the spider and always to observe from behind glass when possible.

Attulus fasciger are particularly sensitive to vibrations, so it is best to move around their habitat slowly and diminish vibrations as much as possible.

Your spider may also respond to vibrations from other animals, so it may be beneficial to create a separate home for them when other animals are present. 

In terms of interaction with other animals, Asiatic Wall Jumpers may not be comfortable with large pets such as cats and dogs in the same vicinity.

They do not possess significant defensive mechanisms, so there is a chance of being harmed by larger animals.


Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders usually live for around 1-2 years in captivity.

However, they can live up to 3 years in optimal conditions.

These spiders molt regularly as they grow, eventually reaching adulthood after about 20 molts.

The duration of each life stage varies depending on conditions such as temperature, humidity, food availability, and environmental stress. 

At the adult stage, males and females will mate, and then females will lay a clutch of a dozen eggs before dying shortly after.

The eggs will turn into spiderlings in 1-2 months before hatching and beginning the life cycle all over again.

It is vital to create suitable living conditions for your spider to ensure the longest possible lifespan.


Attulus fasciger has very specific requirements for mating and reproduction.

Breeding pairs should be kept in separate tanks and only brought together for mating.

Males will travel larger distances in search of females, seeking out webs that are surrounded by airborne pheromones.

The females will typically remain in the nest and actively emit pheromones to attract males.

Once a male finds a female, the mating ritual begins.

The male will often display a courtship dance, dancing around the female in an attempt to impress her.

If the female is impressed, she will allow the male to proceed and the mating will take place. 

Once the mating process is complete, the female will create an egg sac to house the developing eggs.

She will then carefully guard the eggs, remaining close by and making sure the egg sac is kept in a safe and protected area.

The eggs will typically hatch in three to four weeks, depending on environmental conditions.

Newly hatched spiders will remain close to the female until they are old and mature enough to branch out and search for mates on their own.

Where To Find Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders

Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders are not native to the United States and are rarely found in the wild.

These spiders can be most easily found by reputable pet retailers or breeders, who usually specialize in exotic spider species.

When purchasing Attulus fasciger, you should look for signs of good health, such as bright eyes, healthy legs and body, and signs of movement.

Doing some research into specific breeders or pet retailers is a good practice, as it ensures that you buy a healthy, ethically sourced spider. 

It is also helpful to remember that spiders are inherently wild animals, and should be treated accordingly.

As such, use caution and proper safety measures when handling spiders, no matter where you obtained them from.

Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider Care

Attulus fasciger needs a properly set up home, a balanced diet, correct environment control, and health monitoring to stay active and healthy.

Clean out their habitat regularly and provide hiding places that create a comfortable space for them.

Handle the spiders gently to prevent stress and monitor carefully for signs of health issues.

Tank Requirements

The ideal tank requirements for Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders would consist of a 5 to 10-gallon terrarium with a secure screened lid.

The pH of the water given should be between 6.0 and 7.5, with a hardness between soft to moderate.

The temperature of the tank should be kept between 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

For best results, the tank should feature both a heating pad and an overhead source of light.

In terms of substrate, terrarium soil mix is recommended over peat moss as it is easier to regulate the moisture and temperature levels.

An overhead terrarium light should also be installed, however, UVB is not necessary for this species.

What Do Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders Eat?

Feeding your Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider is an important part of its overall health and longevity.

The spider can be fed a variety of small insects, such as crickets, mealworms, waxworms, and cockroaches.

It is best to provide live insects for your spider to hunt and eat.

You may also want to provide a shallow dish of clean, fresh water in the enclosure for it to drink. 

When feeding your spider, provide enough insects to satisfy its hunger.

However, do not overfeed it as it can become overweight and unhealthy.

Remove any uneaten food after a few hours to avoid the overpopulation of insects in the enclosure.

If your spider is not eating, it could be due to several different things, such as stress or an unhealthy environment.

Make sure to monitor your spider’s behaviors to ensure it is receiving the proper nutrition it needs.

If you’re looking for a more detailed approach to feeding these critters, be sure to check out my ultimate DIY jumping spider food guide. I give a more in-depth explanation of the best foods and my favorite recipe.

Best Tankmates For Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders

When it comes to tankmates for Attulus fasciger, it’s important to choose animals that are both compatible in terms of size and temperament.

Insects with similar beneficial qualities to the Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider, such as mantids, mayflies, and assassin bugs, can be good tankmates.

However, it is important to be careful that the mantids and assassin bugs you introduce to the tank are not predators of the spider.

In addition, click beetles, mayflies, and crickets can also be kept in the same tank as Asiatic Wall Jumpers with the same precautions. 

It is essential to ensure that the animals you introduce to the tank are not a threat to the spider and do not compete for resources.


Caring for an Attulus fasciger is an exciting task that is sure to be rewarding as they are incredibly unique and fascinating creatures.

With the right approach and careful consideration of their essential needs, providing a full and satisfied life for your spider will be a breeze.

We hope this guide has provided you with the necessary information to maximize the joys of being an Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider owner.

Create the ideal habitat for your arachnids with our species-specific soil mixes and Spider Enclosure Kits. These products provide everything you need for a thriving spider habitat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Asiatic wall jumping spiders (Attulus fasciger) typically measure .6cm in length.

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